The Tangshan beating incident is hot!In this safe manual, parents must transfer to their daughters |

Author:China Education News Time:2022.06.13

At 2:40 am on June 10, a barbecue restaurant in Tangshan City had a provocative trouble and violently beating others. On -site surveillance showed that the bepelist was fierce, unscrupulous, and shocked. Once the video was exposed, it immediately attracted widespread society and caused the anger of everyone.

Xiaobian’s circle of friends has also been screened these days. While everyone is angry, many parents of girls have expressed their concerns. After all, objectively speaking, girls do live in terms of physical conditions, response speed and other aspects. Disadvantages, when facing the gangsters, how to ensure your life safety? What are the dangers that girls often encounter?

Tell girls early to tell girls to save lives at the critical moment.

What should I do if I encounter these dangers?


If girls are beaten and beaten in public in public, the most important thing at this time is to consider how to minimize their damage. First of all, consider escaping the scene to the safe area. If you cannot escape, you need to call for help.

Sometimes the onlookers will have the effects of bystander, also known as the decentralized effect of responsibility. Therefore, you can try to indicate a bystander for help one by one.

If you can't avoid beatings, you must protect the key parts. Usually hold your hands and hug your head and the rear neck with both hands, your body curled up, and the arm protects the face, neck, and ribs. The legs are folded up to protect the abdomen, adopt a piercing posture, and adjust the protection site at any time.

sexual harassment

Common sexual harassment includes jokes, sex related comments (usually accusations or negatives) or gestures, requirements or propose sexual behaviors, touch with sexual hints, or have physical contact with others. More serious, forcing others to have sexual assault or rape. When facing the criminals that sexually assaulted themselves, girls can carry out legitimate defense. If they cannot escape, the other party has no obvious advantages, and they can attack the opponent's eyes and other fragile parts. ; If the attack is invalid, you can use vomiting, excretion and other methods to make the other party lose the motivation to criminal. You can also promise to escape when the other party takes off his clothes. If you really can't escape and resist, you need to protect the scene and keep the other party's semen samples as evidence of reporting.


A bottle of seemingly ordinary "eye drops" can make people coma in a few seconds ...

In recent years, such cases have occurred. Searching for "obedient water" in search engines. Each case is shocking. There are also drugs such as marijuana electronic cigarettes. Because of their concealment, they are also endangering the personalities of girls. Safety.

"Electronic cigarettes" are poisonous or smoke!

Image source | China Anti -drug public account

How can girls stay away from drug hazards?

Don't be lucky because curious to buy these illegal items, nor do you think it is difficult to investigate online purchase.

During the dinner and entertainment, don't drink the drinks provided by strangers, and don't let the drinks in your hand leave your sight, so as not to get the opportunity to take the medicine.

Even a friend's party is not necessarily safe, you must pay attention to protect yourself. Once abnormal behavior is found, such as drug use, you must leave and call the police in time.

If you find that you drink a little bit of drinks and drinks, there will be abnormal dizziness. Don't believe that the people on the side will say "drink too much wine, just rest for a while". If you are aware of the medicine, in addition to calling the police, asking for help from passers -by, or family and friends, you must also actively start self -rescue, such as adopting fierce drinking water and using vomiting form to relieve the symptoms of coma, strive to leave, wait for rescue in safe places to rescue rescue places. Essence

Follow the end of the street

The damage caused by abnormal behaviors such as followers and obscenity to women is more serious than many people think. Especially young girls, because of their poor self -protection ability, criminals have a great chance of success. Once damage occurs, this shadow is mostly accompanied by the victim's life. How to protect yourself when you find that a bad guy follows?

Go to a lot of people, turn a few more bends to determine if you are followed by the end. When you are sure that you are followed by the end, try to keep calm as much as possible. The impulse stepped forward to question, so as not to encounter unpredictable.

You can walk into large shopping malls or nearest units to seek the help of unit security.

Try to remember the characteristics of his own person's appearance so that the police can find the person to determine the purpose of his end and solve the hidden danger.

When you encounter a few people, you must run to someone at any time and call for help at any time. The evidence is recorded when appropriate, and then reported to the police.

This safety manual is given to each girl

1. Try not to disclose too many personal information

On social media, try not to disclose too many personal information and have a sense of self -protection. Do not publish a private mailbox on the Internet.

2. Do not try to take a car

Do not act alone at night or secluded places; if you encounter the follow -up situation, you can go straight to a lot of places, or knock on the door of the local residential room for help; try to avoid going out at night, always with everyone, and ensure that someone is someone else. Know what you are at any time; you have to walk around the sidewalk and light lighting. Someone can see a place to avoid the road between the alleys and the two buildings; don't try to take a car.

3. Pay attention to safety

Wait for the bus: Don't go to a remote site; don't turn on the wallet when you get on the car, take the change or traffic card in your hand in advance; you should stay in a place where the car is sufficient and not to be placed in the evening; Avoid waiting for a long time.

When riding a car: try to sit or stand as much as possible, especially at night, you should avoid taking the back row; if you encounter harassment, change your seat and tell the driver immediately; In; meet a drunk or suspicious person, try to avoid or get off the bus early.

When traveling alone, at least one family or friend knows your location. Whenever you go out, you must carry your mobile phone.

4. Don't believe in adults who seek help from you

Children are those who need to be protected and helped. Those who are stronger than children need help even if they really need help, they will find people stronger than them. You must learn to reject this type of adult.

5. You must be cautious for friends

Don't eat food given by strangers casually, and don't enter the residence of strangers. Do not meet with netizens alone, and do not easily tell others their own family address and phone calls.

6. Do not agree with sympathy or other reasons.

"Please don't say it" is the most used trick of thieves and bullying women and children. The people who say they are usually either grit their teeth or tears. Don't be confused by these words.

7. Be kind to be a person, but the premise is to protect yourself

Please tell your children to be kind and enter, but the premise is to protect themselves. Kindness is very precious, but goodness does not grow teeth, that is weakness.

Please tell your children that goodness must be sharp and bottom line. Be a kind person with edges and corners, and know how to punish evil with wisdom.

May girls in the world

Can grow up safely

Happy life!

This article comprehensive self -| China Women's Daily, Hezhou Daily, China Education News WeChat, etc.

Some content sources | Popular Science China "Continuous attention! What should I do if I encounter beatings and sexual harassment? These things must be known ", author Zhu Guangsi


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