Eight Special Actions | Chaonan Police quickly cracked a series of smashing car glass theft cases

Author:Shantou Time:2022.07.08

In order to promote the "Eight Special Actions", the Shantou Public Security Bureau improves and improves the working mechanism of synthetic combat and integrated strikes throughout the city, and has increased its efforts to strictly beat various types of illegal crimes such as "two robbers and one theft", poisoning, electrical fraud, and smuggling. Event, strengthen dynamic police, strengthen patrol whistle and set up cards to investigate, reduce the police situation, squeeze the criminal space, and strive to make the people truly feel "visible peace and happiness."

Recently, the Gority Police Station of the Chaonan Public Security Branch has reported 4 to destroy the alarm of the property in the car glass to steal the car glass, and was stolen for a total of 2,560 yuan and HK $ 2,000. After the incident, the Xiashan Police Station quickly organized police forces to conduct investigations. By watching video surveillance, the police found that the suspect did not rush to start after arriving at the scene of the crime. Instead, he first observed the surrounding environment and the in -car conditions. The subsequent process of the crime was faster and the movement was sophisticated. According to the crime method and the characteristics of the suspect's clothes, the police analysis should be the same suspect, and then the four cases should be chanted and investigated to quickly lock in the theft. There is a suspicion of major crimes. After analysis and analysis of the trajectory of the activity and ending point, the police mastered their hiding location. At 6 am on July 1st, the police handling the case successfully arrested the suspect Lin Moujin on the case of Goshan Street, and recovered part of the stolen property. After review, the criminal suspect Lin Moujin intersects on behalf of him many times in the gorgeous street as a luxury car as the target of the crime. Essence At present, the suspect Lin Moujin has been criminally detained by the public security organs according to law, and the case is under further review.

Ping Anjun warmly reminds 1. The citizens should park their vehicles as much as possible in the parking lots in charge of people. If there are no parking lots nearby, try to be parked within the scope of monitoring. 2. Do not treat the car as a safe. Personal valuables, leather bags, cash, etc. must not be placed in the back seat or trunk of the car to prevent criminals from seeing the "wealth". 3. When leaving the vehicle, check whether the window and door are closed and locked to effectively raise awareness of prevention. 4. If the property is stolen, please call the police in time!


Shantou Public Security Official WeChat WeChat: STGA0754 Weibo:@:@

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