In 2022, Zhumadian City's supporting school assistance activities kicked off

Author:Today in Malaysia Time:2022.07.08

Liu Jinxia, ​​all media reporter of the Daily Group

Ten years of cold windows have been studied hard, and the title of the gold list was once. However, among some outstanding quasi -student students, but because of family poverty, they are outside the university gate, and "dreams" are facing folding wings. Today, the reporter learned from the relevant departments that at this time, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Women's Federation, and the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation are in full swing to help students to chase their dreams.

It is reported that in order to create a unified step -by -step adjustment of the city and a game of chess in the city, and allowing the school aid policy to benefit more families with economic difficulties. Since 2016, in accordance with the deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions "Golden Autumn Assistance", the Youth League and Municipal Party Committee The "Hope Engineering Circles Dream Action", the Municipal Women's Federation "Spring Hua Action", and the Disabled Persons' Federation "Assistance to Disabled Studies" and other school assistance projects are uniformly integrated into the "support for the students" and specially set up a special fund management committee for help. The office is located in the General Trade Union, which unveiled the curtain of helping the majority of students to build a dream.

Application for the application of special funds for the support of the poor school and assistance to adopt the principles of separation, centralized review, unified publicity, and unified distribution, that is, the municipal family trade union accepts the application of students in difficult employees in the municipal units. According to the principle of territorial management, the county and district Federation of Trade Unions accepts difficulties in their jurisdictions in their jurisdictions Application of employee family students; the Youth League and Municipal Party Committee is responsible for accepting the application of poor students in the city, the Municipal Women's Federation accepts the application of poor female students in the city, and the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation is responsible for the application of poverty -stricken college students and above disabled students. Students or students of other poor disabled families or disabled students shall be funded by the people's governments of each county and district.

It is reported that the identification standards of families with economic difficulties: The minimum urban and rural living security families, urban and rural areas of urban and rural areas identified by the local civil affairs department, and the urban and rural areas of the urban and rural areas; Family family; orphans, orphans, facts that unmanned children, and single -parent (except for supporting the ability to support) are determined by the local civil affairs department. Families of economic difficulties (including national and local archives) for assistance to the targets of the municipal difficult workers; families who are trapped due to sudden disasters, family members suffering from major illnesses, and other reasons.

Standard for the identification of the special fund assistance objects for support for the support of the miles: holding the city's hukou, or the non -city hukou but in line with the second provisions of the "Interim Regulations on the Residence Permit" in my country. Parents pay a pension certificate in this city or provide children with a taxation certificate for more than three years (including three years) in this city. The above students.

Application procedure: Individuals submitted an application; provided the local government or parents and the school where the students are located, and the valid proof of the above provisions (specific materials are determined by each accepted unit in accordance with the difficult standards of the unit); Each member unit accepted the application and preliminary review, and the deadline for the application was at 18 pm on August 15th; the office summarized the municipal assistance and assistance committee. After the unified review was determined to determine the subject of the aid, they were publicized to the society and accepted supervision. During the publicity period, problems were found to be disqualified.

support hotline:

Municipal Federation of Trade Unions 0396-2698699

League Municipal Committee 0396-2601586

Municipal Women's Federation 0396-2601229

Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation 0396-2806728

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