Jinlonghu Street, Xuzhou Economic Development District: Ten "One" Qingqi 1

Author:Voice of Jinlong Lake Time:2022.07.08

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the organizations of the Jinlong Lake Street party organizations actively carry out the theme activities of celebrating the "July 1st", remember the past years, learn the spirit of the revolutionary ancestors, inherit the fine revolutionary tradition, and further encourage the majority of party members and cadres to forge a new journey, build merits and build their business. New Era.

A literary performance of "Strong Powerful Me"

In order to celebrate the birthday of the Communist Party of China, relive the party's glorious history, inspire and guide the majority of party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and always follow the party. On the eve of July 1st, Jinlonghu Sub -district organizes organizational "Happy Welcome to the Twenty of the Twenty CPC" and celebrating celebrations. The 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

The performance is based on the "strong country's rejuvenation with me" mass culture series activities. Through various forms such as dance, songs, poetry recitation, and knowledge of knowledge, they fully demonstrate the majority of party members, cadres and the masses. The firm actions and high styles of hard work and the ups and downs of the Chinese Communist Party, the main theme of the Chinese Communist Party, the good socialism, and the great motherland.


A red book sharing of "Salary"

On the occasion of "July", the old party members of the Shendian community in Jindonghu Street came to Heping East Road Primary School, put on a bright red scarf, and gave the children red books. They talked carefully with each child, encouraged and guided children to learn the party history, the story of heroes in red books, inherited and carried forward the party's fine traditions, so as to love the party, patriotism, love home, establish a big goal and great goals and great goals and Ideal, strive to be a good boy. Children are the future of the motherland, while young party members are the backbone of the motherland. In the Party Construction Office of Shendian Community, several outstanding old party members sent red books to young party members in the community, and encouraged young party members to read more classic books, actively participate in community party organization activities, participate in community economic development and civilized creation, and together for the beautiful future of the community Add bricks and contribute to your own strength.


A "glorious sacred" political honor

Mo Daosang Yu was late, and it was full of Xia. Old party members dedicated their youth to the development of the party and the country. On the occasion of July, in order to enhance the sense of honor, belonging, and mission of the old party members, loyalty into the blood, practicing the original intention of life, release the endless power of the old party members, spurred the young party members to continue to forge ahead. The party branch conducted awards ceremony of Li Xuezhong and Li Xuemin brothers who were glorious in the party 50 years. And take a group photo.


A round of "unique" discussions and exchanges

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the awareness and concept of party spirit, and jointly review the splendid history of the party and the glorious performance of the party. On June 24, 2022, the party branch of Jinshan Community of Jinlonghu Street held a symposium on party members. At the symposium, the party branch secretary Zhao Shiyan advocated the retired party members to continue to exert its heat, actively participated in community construction, carried forward the party's fine traditions, and played the role of party members vanguard. The party members communicated and shared each other, the atmosphere of the scene was warm and harmonious, which enhanced the communication between party members, united the party members of the branch, and strengthened the communication between the community and the majority of party members and the masses. With level.


A "charging and storage" cadre training

In order to further do a good job in the training of grassroots cadres, Jinlonghu Street held a training course for grass -roots cadres' capabilities to improve. Wang Ziming, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jinlonghu Street, attended the opening ceremony and gave a speech. The "two committees" cadres, party workers, and community workers in each community participated in the training, with a total of more than 60 people. The word "full" is the first to create a boutique course; the word "live" helps, innovate the form of training; Through the learning and training of professional systems, the trainees have charged "electricity", psychologically supplemented "calcium", and added "oil" at work.


A red journey of "exploring the first heart"

In order to inherit the red gene and promote the spirit of the revolution, the party members of the Jinlonghu Community of Jinlong Lake Street organized the party members of the district of the district of the red Tushan to admire the former revolutionary site. On the heavy slate road, the door plaque of the old site of the CCP ’s county party committee came into view, and the scroll of the local revolutionary history slowly rolled away. Entering the museum, photos of black and white characters with vicissitudes and vicissitudes of red revolutionary cultural relics all tell the firm beliefs and fiery passions of the revolutionary ancestors. All party members have been deeply educated in ideological education in the feelings of "chasing the distance and remembering the ancestors". At the same time, they draw spiritual nutrients, inherit and carry forward the spirit of the martyrs, further consolidate the strength of the hard work, and bear the heavy responsibility of history.


A red movie with "remembering history"

In order to further strengthen the construction of the two new party organizations, promote patriotism, and enhance the sense of historical mission, Jinlonghu Street organized the two new party organizations of the two new party organizations of the two new party organizations in the "Strong and Strong Fortress of the Twenty Bodiums. There are more than 70 party members of the new employment industry in business formats to watch the patriotic film "Water Gate Bridge of Changjin Lake" in a centralized format, and give everyone a vivid sites. Through the spiritual baptism of this red film, everyone said: "We must always remember history, be grateful, and cherish the present; play the spirit of volunteer soldiers in actual work, based on their own positions, and transform the love of the party into a social society. Actual action of responsibility.


A flag -raising ceremony of "bloody stun"

All party members of the Xiaoshan Community Party Branch relocated under the leadership of the party branch secretary Zhang Zhaohu. In the vow, the original intention of the party members was baptized, and the ideals and beliefs became more firm. Along with the majestic national anthem, the bright five -star red flag rose in the sun and fluttered. All the staff are neatly stood, pay attention to the national flag, and give a noble respect to the national flag. In the national anthem, once again realized the difficult journey of the Communist Party of China to lead the Chinese people to seek the truth of saving the country, and the new China from standing up to the rich to strong. A practical activity of "walking down" once


On the morning of June 29th, combined with the "Party Member Reporting Juli Family" activity, the Jinshan Community Party Branch invited community party members and volunteers to carry out free consultations, haircuts, and general law services to provide free blood pressure, blood sugar measurement, free haircut, etc. for community residents. Services and residents are promoted to residents, allowing residents to enjoy health and law services at their doorsteps, and get unanimous praise from residents of the community. At the event site, community staff also sent a fan to residents intimately, bringing a trace of coolness, to shorten the distance from the masses.

A "loyal and solemn" oath of joining the party


The oath of joining the party is the solemn commitment made by the party members to the party and the people. In order to stimulate the patriotic feelings of all party members, lead the community party members to remember history and remember their original intentions, and deeply cultivate the party and patriotic feelings. The battle commemorative tower and the Huaihai Memorial Hall participated in the red education activities, and organized party members and cadres to revisit the party's oath in front of the Martyr Memorial Tower of the Huaihai Campaign. The spirit of the Huaihai Campaign of Huaihai is deeply imprinted on the hearts of each party member.

(Zhao Wenyue)


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