The Hong Kong Education Bureau recommends 21 mainland inspection routes, including the former site of Huangpu Military Academy, and the Zunyi Conference site

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.08

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] After the implementation of citizens and social development departments in high school, the Hong Kong Education Bureau asked students to go to the Mainland to inspect at least once in 3 years in high school. Recently, the Education Bureau issued a notice to various middle schools, requiring to submit a plan for high school students to investigate in the Mainland before the end of the month.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily report on the 7th, the Hong Kong Education Bureau stated in the notice that due to the huge number of students who studied the civic department, the bureau needs to contact and arrange details with the docking units of many provinces and cities in the Mainland as soon as possible in order to wait for the epidemic. After the two places restore the customs clearance, the Citizen Science Mainland Inspection Troupe can be launched as soon as possible.

Where will Hong Kong high school students go to the Mainland? According to the Hong Kong "01" report, the 21 itinerary provided by the Education Bureau has a two -day to 5 -day itinerary. "Guangzhou's Lingnan Cultural Mainland Investigation", "Zhaoqing's Cultural Heritage Conservation and Inheriting Mainland Investigation", and "Guangzhou Sea Road History and Culture and Agricultural Science and Technology Investigation" in the 3rd itinerary " Part of the content includes visiting museums, historical buildings and innovation companies. For example, a double -day group will go to Guangzhou's Sun Yat -sen's Marshal Memorial Hall and the former site of the Huangpu Military Academy to allow students to understand Sun Yat -sen's contribution and related modern history. Another double -day group will go to Zhaoqing's Deqing Xue Palace, allowing students to understand the characteristics of the ancient imperial examination system, Confucianism and Confucius culture.

Data Memorial of the Old Site of the Huangpu Military Academy of Guangzhou. Picture source IC Photo

The non-Guangdong province's itinerary is 4-5 days, including "Fujian History and Culture and Maritime Silk Road Investigation", "Hunan History, Culture and Environmental Conservation Mainland Investigation", "Guizhou's National Culture and Natural Astronomical Mainland Inspection". One of the 5 -day groups visited the Zunyi site to understand the history of the Communist Party of China. The group will also visit local schools, communicate with students in the Mainland, and visit the Guizhou Big Data Application Exhibition Center, Guizhou Provincial Museum, etc., Libo Ancient Town, Libo County Seven -hole Natural Ecological Scenic Area, "China Sky Eye", Pingtang International Astronomical Experience Museum and other places.

In the itinerary recommended by the Education Bureau, the survey delegation that indicates the 4-5 days needs to take the high-speed rail. However, at present, the Western Kowloon High -speed Railway Station has not yet been restarted, and there are no specific routes and epidemic prevention arrangements for related itineraries. Although the notice did not explain the cost of different delegations, the students will receive full government funding.

The Education Bureau stated that in order to properly plan the citizen's mainland survey, the school must submit the "school plan and arrange statistical form" before the 29th of this month, providing high school students in 2022/23 and 2023/24. The itinerary, detailed content must include topic and visit points. The Education Bureau said that it would arrange students to go to the Mainland for inspection according to the itinerary selected by the school and the wishes of the departure month as much as possible, and adjust the customs clearance and actual situation. (Li Yao)

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