Special action!Hubei is prohibited!

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.07.07


On July 7, the Office of the Leading Group for the Protection of the Provincial Minor Protection Work issued a document to deploy special actions for the governance of minor humanities in the second half of the year, clarifying the duties of all parties and key tasks.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Insurance Office, at the end of June, the provincial unpaid offices held a special action deployment meeting in the province's minor humanities governance. It is conducive to the principles of minors, strengthening the parents or other guardians of the minor to fulfill their duties in accordance with the law. Provide tattoo services to minors, comprehensively strengthen the governance of minors' humanities, protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, and promote the physical and mental health of minors.

The Women's Federation, Youth League Committee, Education, Judiciary and other departments should guide and support and support minor parents or other guardians to effectively fulfill their duties of their family guardianship, education and guidance to minors fully understand the harm of tattoos, enhance the awareness and ability of self -protection, and refuse to rationally refuse Tattoo.

Hygiene, market supervision, business, civil affairs and other departments must urge supervision of medical and health institutions, relevant tattoo institutions and market operating entities, related industry associations and social organizations do not carry out tattoo services to minors, and they are willing to "remove tattoos" with their willingness to "remove tattoos" Minors provide standardized medical beauty services.

Public security, procuratorial organs, courts and other departments shall investigate and deal with, prosecute, trial cases involving minors, and infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of minors, and keep the judicial protection bottom line of minors.

Propaganda, online information, and radio and television authorities shall strengthen the publicity and supervision of minors' humanities and body hazards, and increase the review of related literary and artistic works and advertising content.

At the same time, through various channels such as "Special Action for the Propaganda Month of the Protection of the Minor", "Special Action for Under -Undeg: Special Action for Humanities and Humanities", it has widely publicized the "Minor Protection Law" and the requirements of minor humanistic body governance to the public, educate and guide the public to the masses Those who discover tattoo services to minors actively report to relevant departments.

The leadership group and their offices of each city and county minors should coordinate relevant departments to carry out the governance of minors 'humanities in a timely manner, and guide the supervision of relevant departments to investigate and rectify the issues of illegal and illegal work to carry out the work of minors' humanities.

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