The number of likes is as high as more than 200,000, and netizens commented on him-

Author:Ganzi Rong Media Time:2022.07.07


Mo You: "After arriving here, I feel that you are particularly good."

Lauba on duty auxiliary police: "It's all Chinese."

Recently, millions of fans Douyin account: dare not twist

A video of a video hot Douyin

Like more than 200,000 likes

Netizens' comments are full of positive energy, full of movement

Recently, Derge's wrongdoor inspection station, the auxiliary police officer Laba helped Beijing Moou tourists to make dialogue details, and was photographed by a motorcycle panoramic sports camera. Moyou: "After arriving here, I feel that you are particularly good." Lataba, auxiliary police officers: "It's all Chinese."

You can rest assured to hand them back to them, because "we are all Chinese" -When leaving, Mo You used this as a copy and sent the edited videos to Douyin and Kuaishou's personal social platform, which caused netizens to cause netizens Resonance, let's see what happened to the original video together?


Netizen: "This is the police in textbooks. They are all Chinese. This sentence is too handsome."

In February this year, the "Snowman" of his duty in the snow became popular, and the filial piety story behind him was even more moving. In the past 5 years, Laba has won 6 honors including outstanding auxiliary police officers, and in 2019, it has also received special brocade flags gifts from two -sided tourists. In July 2019, he took the initiative to apply for the Manin Ge Public Security Inspection Station with a higher altitude and more difficult environment. In 2020, he became a "warrior" of the first line of public security epidemic prevention. From the Spring Festival duty to the fight against the epidemic, he conquered everyone with the "black -faced police" spirit.

Let's approach this one together:

Safe messenger

Lauba, auxiliary police officer, auxiliary police officer of Derge County, Ganzi Prefecture

Wearing a cold hat and mask, and rushing to the first line of traffic guarantee, they turned into the "ice pier" on the Ping'an travel journey of the people in the past, which became the most lovely "snow Rongrong" at the moment. Earlier this year, the continuous snowfall and temperature dropped in most parts of our state not only created the landscape of silver -wrapped in silver -wrapped in the National Highway 317 (Dege County Wrong Ah Manko) section, but also brought severe challenges to road traffic safety.

During this period, netizens' "shooting" captured many touching moments and brought us too much warmth.

The "ice pier" standing in the ice and snow is Laba. At the age of 26, he was an auxiliary police officer at the Dege's comprehensive inspection station. On February 12 this year, in the town of Dig County, the road was covered by heavy snow, and some vehicles were trapped. After receiving the police situation, he and his comrades quickly rushed to the scene to take measures to install non -slip chains, manpower push, iron shovel, and police car to open the road to help the vehicle out of trouble until they left safely. In the snowy snow, the kneeling car was installed with a non -slip chain for the masses. Although the guardianship in the snow and snow is not easy, he and his comrades do your best with the heart of Chicheng.

"The most one day rescue more than 30 cars." According to him, during this period, they often divided the police force of the inspection station into two, and some were left on the duty point to perform inspection tasks. Traveling a vehicle.

High nose bridge, both eyes and handsome, handsome. This is what he looks like when he takes off the cold hat and mask, and it is also the most beautiful look of "Mud of Mud". "Let every past person feel the warmth of loved ones." In the past 5 years, his initial mind for the people has never changed, and he has won 6 honors such as excellent auxiliary police. The most precious thing is that in 2019, they also received special flags of two tourists.

Not only handsome, but also stories

Opening his life trajectory, his story has long moved us. In February 2020, the "Ping An Ge" WeChat public account exhibition broadcast his story of "black face traffic police" to adhere to some stories of epidemic prevention. At that time, there were more than 7,000 people's click -through rates.

The "trafficker" of love people

In the "poverty alleviation" indicator, there is one item: "Two don't worry" means not worrying about eating or worrying. This is enough to show that even a dress is of great significance for the poor.

On October 29, 2021, 28 poor households in Yulong Township Central Primary School and 4 poor villages were distributed with 10 boxes of clothing, 500 pairs of socks, and 10 pairs of shoes.

The story of "2 yuan in the old phase clip"

At the age of 7, his father died, and he became a child of his family. When he was young, spent in his difficult environment, he had a deeper awe, strong and independent of life and health. In July 2019, he took the initiative to apply to work to work in the Manin Gogo Public Security Inspection Station with a higher altitude and more difficult environment.

Before his father left, he gave him 10 yuan. He took out 8 yuan and bought a pair of shoes and some candy. The remaining 2 yuan was still placed in the old phase. Every time I tell his comrades -in -arms telling the story of him and his father, he will reveal the kind of deeply rooted in his heart.

"I grew up in an environment in which my father's love was lacking and wanted to leave more love to my children." Recalling his father who liked the police during his lifetime, he was happy.

He said: This 2 yuan is the only "property" left by his father to him, and it is also the spiritual pillar of the police camp. In his career, he created tens of thousands of 2 yuan in life value.


Wherever you see

They are all

Practice mission

Go all out

Source/This website comprehensive


- END -

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