My post -00 subordinates of my "not easy to mess with": not bad money, lead the leader, resist overtime

Author:Tech Planet Time:2022.07.07

Source | Tech Planet

Wen | Xi Rui Qiao Xue Zhai Yuanyuan Chen Qiaohui

A person born in the millennium probably spent his past 20 years:

Since birth, they have witnessed the first generation of Internet giants: Sina and Sohu's successive listing; they will surf the Internet since childhood. Plumb.

When they are 10 years old, smartphones have begun to popularize. The Internet is no longer unfamiliar. A mobile phone can take a taxi, takeaway, buy online, and play games. Looking for their own "fellows" in niche apps like Soul.

This year, some of them have entered the workplace. They will play a game of glory games at noon, and teammates who meet the vegetables will shout: I really thank you! If you encounter the right leader, you will not hide your love, and bluntly, "I can never meet such a good leader again."

The post -80s and post -90s workplace managers ushered in the first wave of their careers, just like the post -70s and post -80s leaders who took them. Tech planet interviewed many post -00 managers in this regard, some of them are large factories and some are entrepreneurs. Everyone has a brand new 00 -post group.

They resist the rules and respect the rules. They are willing to express and are willing to correct them. This is a sincere and cute generation, with the recklessness of teenagers and the enthusiasm of youth. Many managers choose to play with the post -00s to understand their true thoughts and hope to grow with the post -00s.

"After 00's mouth, the body is rotten, the body is still very honest"

The company: cross -border e -commerce enterprise, post: operation planning

In fact, it is said that "the workplace after 00" is generally the issue of PUA or workplace rights in the workplace. In fact, the normal category is not so dazzling after 00. Speaking of rotten on his mouth, his body was still honest. The normal growth process was sprayed twice.

Our company has many post -00s intern. They are extremely extreme. Some of them are completely confused about the direction of life. They do not know which road to go, and some know what they want.

However, they generally show that they can avoid the workplace. Those who can read books are reading, and they will not come up with work. But before 95, their desire for reading was not so strong, and it may be because there may be more employment opportunities at that time.

They grew up in the Internet environment since they were young. They felt that they had too much information every day, but everyone had different ability to absorb information. In the workplace, they do not necessarily know what they want, but they will definitely "roll" together, and "volume" probably know what they don't want.

My subordinates are a post -00s school enrollment, just two or three weeks. Whether it is a formal employee or intern, I can arrange work. They are more willing to accept, but obviously have their own ideas. For example, I have clearly told him that the framework is like this and can be written like this, but after 00, I still choose my own writing.

When they see them freely, if I can't see the situation in the past, I will change it myself. If you think it is acceptable, you will change them by themselves.

We are doing cross -border e -commerce, not very busy, not as good as Internet factories. Our company is actually not working overtime. If necessary, most of them will stay overtime, but there will be emotions, and it will not be too obvious, that is, it will show: I don't want to work overtime. Although it was not exaggerated to the right away, they must have been earlier than me.

I feel that the general family conditions after 00s are very good, and work is an experience of life for them, not to survive. In particular, unlike the generation of the post -90s generation, they must go to the first -tier cities of "Beishangguang and Shenzhen" to "volume". After all, the internship salary is not enough to pay the rent and cannot support life, and they will not choose to interns to the big city. So, after 00, I felt that they did not "care about this job."

"Can't afford them, we can play together"

The company where it is: cargo Lala, post: team management

Although it is a team management, because I read two years earlier than my peers, I am also a 00. Our team has nearly 20 people. It takes a group of internship college students. Wait.

After 00, there is indeed their own ideas. After all, some of the post -00s have accumulated two or three generations of entrepreneurship and wealth after all. Basically, there are 2 suits. Smart enjoyment, such as like relaxed and happy work, less PUA in the workplace. Since I am also after 00, I also feel the same. Of course, the premise of the "leisurely" work is to complete the task.

At present, there are people in the post -95s and post -00s under my hand, mostly from third- and fourth -tier cities. Because our work involves physical work, compared to the workplace, it is more like a "workshop". In the "workshop", the post -00 colleagues around me are not as "coquettish" as the outside world. I still like the endless side of hard work.

But there are also aspects that do not like, that is, like to touch fish at work. For example, you will pick up your mobile phone to chat, or browse things that have nothing to do with work on your computer. Once, I found that a post -00 colleague was playing games. At that time, when I watched it, I said that I could add my League of Legends account after get off work. Everyone played the game together, but do n’t touch these things at work. Now our team also has its own games. The team is going to play together. Although it is a management position, there is no difference in personality with the post -00 colleagues around me. I will treat them frankly about work. Quarrel, but this quarrel is not aimed at people, or for the problem itself, and then everyone discusses a satisfactory solution. I feel that I like to make sense after 00.

The post -00s under my hand are different from my father. They do not like overtime. The elders around me are keen to work overtime, because overtime can obtain considerable overtime fees. In our generation, the desire to work overtime is a lot less, and sometimes they sometimes do it. Seeing them in the chat group to complain about overtime.

If you meet the weekend overtime, although you know they are unwilling, they still have to notify them. We will respect and trust each other between us. It is precisely that it makes everyone less friction and more harmonious in their work. The last thing I want to say is that there is nothing bad for the "after 00 to rectify the workplace".

"After 00, I have my own ideas, this is a double -edged sword"

The company: clothing fast fashion brand, post: deputy store manager

Now the intern in the store is basically a post -00s. I am a deputy manager and I have been in contact with a lot of contact with the 00s. Getting along with them, I think the biggest difference between them and the generation of the post -90s generation is that they have their own ideas and their brains are more light. This is actually a double -edged sword, which is good and bad. It depends on what the leadership thinks and management.

For the basic work of cleaning the store, the company has very strict requirements for hygiene, so we spend more than ten hours a day to clean up the store shelves, ground, and goods. When I arrange this work to post -95s, they will directly follow the process. But after the 00s may sometimes do not follow the process, he will have his own way to choose a more relaxed and time -saving way to clean up.

After 00, you may feel that spending so long is repeatedly cleaning up, and you don't understand the significance of the work. I come to work every day to work in the waiter and drag it here, so when they do cleaning, they will have a little slackness, and they will only clean up the dust that can be seen on the surface, but it cannot be checked.

If you check that the cleaning work is not in place, you need to divide the situation if you want them to return. If the problem that causes not in place in place is because you did not tell him the specific cleaning process, he was unwilling to return to work. If it was his own reason, you told him well and tell him what the purpose of doing this is to improve, and he may be a bit unhappy.

The same is true of overtime.如果提前几个小时告诉他们,“今天比较忙可能需要加班多久”,他们会接受,但如果是临近下班时间临时通知加班,他们大部分也都会留下来加班,但会表现出一些情绪,比如频繁Look at the time and always observe the surroundings.

In addition, after the 00s, we cannot stay in one post for a long time for a long time. I will change their posts in two or three hours. For example, the cashier in the morning will be replaced by stacking or going to the clothes room. Otherwise, they will have emotions, and their work efficiency is not high.

Although we say that we will have emotions for a long time, but we will not show it, and we will pass more. After 00, they will not show more in the state of work, including the expression on the face, and sometimes even talking to customers will show an impatient and indifferent attitude.

They will not be able to communicate with customers in the process. They will naturally use their language, or use what they see to recommend products and introduce products. Moreover, there is no superiors in their eyes. Like us, they may meet leaders, and they will be relatively restrained, but they will communicate normally, and they should be kidding and joking.

"Post -00 work is not just to make money, but more to find your own interest."

The company: Xiaomi, post: e -commerce operation

Last year, I managed or guided about 20 school enrollment, and most of these people were "returnees."

I have a post -00 child who studies macroeconomics. At first, I had no interest in e -commerce. In the process of communicating with him, I will talk to him some data, such as some exposure, transformation, etc., telling him to adjust some indicators to improve the click. He particularly likes to ask why he will directly ask "what kind of logic is this", and I will raise his interest from a point.

This kid is also very easy to learn and especially likes speaking. I was also joking at the time that this was a encouragement teacher for me. He had a strong ability to learn. It took only one month to exceed my expectations. many.

In order to get along with my post -00 team, I will participate in the "Glory of the King" competition organized by Xiaomi in the internal organization of Xiaomi. Every Friday at 6:30 pm, I will take everyone to dinner together. We do n’t talk about work. It ’s happy. I will go to clear it. Of course, there are also some very characteristic. For example, a girl I brought at the time, she packed up on time at 6:30 pm every day, and never worked overtime.

This is not the most important thing, mainly a matter of work attitude. There was an emergency task that needed to report to the above leaders the next day. So the little partner has to work overtime. She needs to organize a data, but she just handed over a very perfunctory document at that time. At that time, I was quite angry.

Later, in a "1 to 1" communication with her, I talked about my work experience and ideas. Because I am a post -90s, it is a middle level in Xiaomi, and the career development path is pretty good. She said: I admire people like you, but I don't want to be like you. This sentence made me stunned.

Now large companies are layoffs, and that girl is also being laid. She was so anxious to come to me. At that time, I realized that she actually cherished the job. She told her for 2 hours, took her to reflect on the past problems, and what she should pay attention to, and how to do it in the future. Now it can change personal.

I think it is not stupid after 00, and there is no so -called "rectification workplace". When Xiaomi, I will reserve two hours every Wednesday afternoon to communicate with you. Later, the relationship is very good. Everyone will joke together. Sometimes I feel younger with them.

After managing 00, I think the biggest point is whether they can mention their interest. Because I feel that their work is not just to make how much money, but more to find things they are interested in. Many of them will also have a sense of urgency. They cherish their existing work and will not be casual for work, and they are sincere to others after 00.

"After 00, different, someone is well -behaved and someone is rebellious."

The company: state -owned enterprise, post: research design

Although we are state -owned enterprises, in recent years, in order to bring "fresh blood", we have attracted many young people.

This year we recruited more than a dozen fresh graduates, and there were two of my men, but the two children were quite special, and the two formed a very sharp contrast.

One boy came first. My evaluation of him was that it was too unable to endure hardships.

The leader asked to pick up a courier is actually a hand -to -hand work. Usually this life is we do it. He asked him to do that day, but his rebellion was particularly strong and refused directly. It was not very suitable. I don't know now, let him take a courier in the end, but I finally went.

We have a system to be fined late. This boy is still very late. The previous few times he still paid the fine. Later, he might be more fine. He directly protested this system unreasonable. In the end, no one dared to punish him.

But the problem is that we are getting off work at 6 o'clock, and he almost does not work overtime. He basically can't find others after get off work. I really don't understand what he is doing when he get off work.

I don't think he is a stupid child. He can be admitted to a good university and major, and it will definitely show that his personal ability will not be too bad. At work, he seemed to be unaware that I was his leader, and arranged for his work to drag him. For example, he gave him a design a few days ago. Weibo, I haven't done it yet, I am too lazy to urge it. I don't want to talk more with him anymore. It's really annoying.

Later, a girl came again and let me refresh my impression of the post -00s. It comes very early every day, and I will clean up the office in advance. It is also enthusiastic and polite. Everyone likes her.

She loves to ask why, in fact, everyone is very busy, and rarely people explain why, but I found that as long as she asked everyone, she would be patiently answering her, and she was also very smart and would be in the notebook. Take it step by step, and basically won't bother others anymore.

On one occasion, when the leader spoke, he talked about hoping that young people would improve themselves and encourage more certificates. We are not painting big cakes. In fact, there are corresponding incentive policies. Some professional certificates will pay wages. Later, I discovered that this girl worked very hard and had a motivated.

For our units, basically many people are doing it for a lifetime. Therefore, I know that everyone does not like bureaucrats and does not like class. It also understands that young people have more freedom and have their own ideas.

"It is not sensitive to salary, and work communication is simple and direct."

The company: takeaway leading enterprise, post: urban manager

I have brought several teams, and there are only one post -00s in the team. It was excellent in the recruitment last year. It was the only one of the post -95s and post -00s.

As a post -90s, I think the biggest generation ditch with the post -00s is that his amateur life is particularly rich and likes to play. The nightclubs and night venue socialists, and my girlfriend has also had a lot of contacts. In the circle of friends, I often forward some things that I do n’t understand, and they are very personal. The more niche things they like, the more they like.

In the team group, the post -00s will always publish the most in love bags, and the emoticon package is particularly in place; it is better to be strong, and will deliberately take the lead in "volume" to do tasks with the mentality of playing. For example, what battles do we do from time to time, such as the Spring Festival campaign and summer campaign, after 00, we usually take the lead and complete it quickly. After 00, it is not as difficult to take as expected. The general characteristic is that the thinking is particularly active, and the workplace goals will not be too clear. The driving factor is not just a salary. There are requirements for salary but not sensitive, and there are not particularly obvious career planning.

Their biggest feature is that they are good at true and direct self -expression, and pay attention to self -display. I think it is a very valuable quality. For example, when the task is more difficult, they will directly vomit "so difficult" "why do this, so painful." Simple and direct. Unlike employees who have worked in the workplace for many years, they are worried about when communicating with their superiors, and they often think twice.

As long as the overtime is reasonable, it can be accepted after 00, but it will complain and give it directly. Some online words such as "volume" and "social animal" are often ridiculed by them. It feels like they are a way of ridicule and venting.

But the post -00 work is not ambiguous, and it is still very serious. Our team is the age of 00, but the psychological age is mature, practical, and the business capabilities exceed our team average.

After 00, there will be an anxiety period that will not be completed. Personally, it is felt that leading the post -00 employees must meet the three elements of "happiness, growth, and value presentation". The atmosphere of the team should be very happy. The work should work. The regular group building is a group building. Like we will play and play games together every day at noon.

- END -

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