Ruicheng Public Security Traffic Police: Strike the "Five Five" centralized rectification and unified action

Author:Focus on Hedong Time:2022.07.07

In order to further do a good job in road traffic management in the jurisdiction, effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of summer road traffic accidents, and effectively promote special rectification and summer centralized rectification. On July 5th, the Transportation Management Brigade of the Ruicheng County Public Security Bureau conscientiously organized the unified rectification of the "Five Five" centralized rectification, strictly investigated various types of traffic violations, and purified the road traffic environment in the jurisdiction.

During the operation, the brigade scientifically arranged deployment and mobilized all the police. According to the traffic conditions of their respective jurisdictions, combined with the actual situation of summer illegal acts, in the urban areas, Yellow River East Street, Saeli Street, Huatai Road, Ping'an Street, Xuefu Street, West Mining Road, etc. Temporary inspection points are set up in key road sections to strictly check key traffic violations such as drunk drunk driving, fatigue driving, and super speed supermarket. At the same time, the brigade order stocks, patrol squadron, Fengling crossing squadron, Moan squadron takes the national highway rural roads and other regions as the focus of control, increase patrol management and control, and strictly check passenger vehicles over speed, superior chapters, trucks and hazardous chemical vehicles. Driving, fatigue driving, and not using seat belts in accordance with the prescribed route time, fatigue driving, and not using seat belts in accordance with regulations.

On the same day, a total of 197 violations of the law. Among them, there are 9 drunk driving, 7 driving unlicensed, passenger car passengers do not tie 95 seat belts, trucks do not drive 11 in accordance with the prescribed lanes, 68 non -motor vehicles are illegal, and 7 other illegal acts are obtained. Effect.

Editor in charge: Yan Wenbin

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