Luohe Shaibei Street: Heart people's "difficult heart" to resolve the house "difficulty in applying for a certificate"

Author:Luohe Daily Time:2022.07.07

On the afternoon of July 6, the Silver Pigeon Xinyuan Community Real Estate Registration Certificate was issued in Shaibei Street, Luocheng District, Luohe City. The owners of the silver pigeons Xinyuan, who came to receive the real estate registration certificate, were overwhelmed by the words, and they said that the years of "difficulty in applying for a certificate" have finally been resolved.

Real estate registration involves millions of households, which is related to the vital interests of the masses. The Yinge New Garden was completed in 2013. Due to the existence of the existence of the project developed in the early stage, the owners of real estate have not been able to apply for a real estate registration certificate, which has become a major event for the masses.

To issue a real estate registration certificate for the owners.

The Guancheng District Party Committee and the Guancheng District Government attach great importance to the problems of the real estate, and the real estate real estate is included in the "top ten people's livelihood". Shaibei Street held a special special team meeting to study, sort out the problems leftover of the real estate, and meet the person in charge of Tianzong Guolong Real Estate Company to contact relevant departments to determine the special personnel one by one in accordance with the standards of a plan and a solution. Do "one maturity, resolve one, and sell one", effectively resolve the problem of "urgency and sorrow" of the masses, and truly allow the people to live in peace and career.

The owners gave the banner in order to express their gratitude.

The owners gave the banner in order to express their gratitude.

To apply for a real estate certificate is an important step for the people's "living". When you get a certificate of property right, the buyer will eat "Xinxin Pill". In the next step, Shabei Street will continue to increase publicity, work together to resolve the leftover problems, and truly do a good job of resolving real estate problems, so that the masses can see changes and benefit.

Correspondent Zhai Bing

Edit Dong Wenyuan

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