Jiangyang District: "Civil defense+physical defense+technical defense", built a "protective wall" of drowning safety

Author:Jiangyang Rong Media Time:2022.07.07

"It is strictly forbidden to swim in the water. For your personal safety, please stay away from dangerous waters." In the "parking lot" in Jiangyang District, volunteers who patrolled on -site told reporters that since the summer, staff have carried out publicity and persuasion work along the river every day. To avoid drowning incidents.

"A total of 13 Xiajiangkous in Pokémon to Single Bowl Plaza have been placed on the signs and pulled a warning line." Zhang Hailang, director of the Emergency Office of Nancheng Street, introduced life -saving. The storage point of the equipment has a long -term life ring, life jacket, and long bamboo pole, so that the surrounding citizens can be used at any time when they encounter emergency situations. In addition, there are more than 600 search and rescue speedboats, 3 emergency vehicles, and various types of emergency supplies.

In addition to "physical defense", Nancheng Street also focuses on "civil defense". The functions of functional departments, enterprises, social organizations, party members and the masses in the area of ​​the jurisdiction formed an 182 -member "wading alliance" volunteer team, 4 shifts a day, inspected and persuaded along the river in the wrong time, and assigned 2 river patrol volunteers in the evening waiting for During the peak, take care of children without adults at the river. As of now, Nancheng Street has persuaded the people of the river to be unsafe and uncivilized behavior of more than 3,200 times, and take more than 200 children in education. "We are also carrying out patrols while strengthening flood prevention publicity." Zhang Zhaohui, deputy director of the Binjiang Community Neighborhood Committee of Nancheng Street, told reporters that since the summer, Nancheng Street has jointly launched various types of flood prevention and disaster reduction publicity activities and issued more than 1,500 publicity leaflets.

The powerful water monitoring system is also a major technical guarantee for summer anti -drowning work. According to Zhang Hailang, Nancheng Street integrates a total of 16 water -related cameras, including 4 along the river, 2 barriers, and 10 low -lying alleys. In real time, the river situation is monitored to avoid dangerous situations. In the case of high -level early warning information, the residents provided by the community will use various WeChat groups, building information officers, and small horn in the building. "Profit+civil defense+technical defense", Nancheng Street is multi -pronged, resolutely inhibiting the risk of drowning in summer.

Similarly, Beicheng Street has more than 600 meters of safety alert lines on Xiajiangkou along the River Road, Guanyizui, Binjiang Road, etc., and posted more than 80 safety warning slogans. Set up life -saving equipment on the North Wharf of the River Road, Dongmenkou River and other places There are 5 storage points. During the flood season, the 24 -hour duty system was adopted, and the river patrolling the river continuously. It focused on key periods such as daily evenings and other key periods to build a citizen safety defense line.

"Community and streets have been promoting the safety of drowning in summer. Our citizens must also respond to calling, especially parents should take their children to stay away from the dangerous waters and be responsible for themselves to others." Ms. Huang said.

Anti -drowning work is related to life safety, and it is related to millions of families. If you pass through dangerous waters such as reservoirs, ponds, and rivers, seeing someone performing dangerous behaviors such as water swimming, please stop and persuade him to leave.

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