Jiang Shuai, really handsome!

Author:China University of Petroleum Time:2022.06.13

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Thank you

Recently, affected by the epidemic situation of Sippo Village, Haidian, Haidian, Haidian Sunshine has become a control community. There are more than 800 residents 'home isolation in 250 households, and the isolation time has increased from four days to seven days, which brings a lot of inconvenience to residents' lives. At a critical moment, Jiang Shuai, a graduate student of the oil and gas field development engineering in the community, and his mother, enthusiastically served the residents who were isolated in the building. On the 3rd floor of Building 3 to 18, wherever there is, there is his busy figure. Send the courier of the residents to the house, and also enthusiastically remind residents to receive the express delivery. Most residents buy all kinds of vegetables, fruits, such as potatoes, watermelons, etc. The residents were very moved by the back of the young man's sweaty back ... I learned that Jiang Shuai was a graduate student of the oil and gas field development engineering in your school. He was close to this letter. Thanks to your school for training such an excellent classmate. From him, we saw the skills of moral education education in your school. You can stand up without hesitation at the critical moment. You can go out at the crisis. He can bravely rush to the front in the fight against the new crown pneumonia. Let us see the spirit of young people. Thank you again thanking your school for cultivating such excellent talents!

To this


Sunshine Beili, Qinghe Street, Haidian District, Beijing

All residents of Building 3 of the Community

Yang Xiumei

This is a thank you letter from residents from the community

The person you want to thank in the letter is

Jiang Shuai, a master's degree from the School of Petroleum Engineering

May 29th

Learn about the situation where the community epidemic situation is severe and the manpower is tight

Jiang Shuai actively devoted to the community epidemic prevention and control volunteer service

During the volunteer service, Jiang Shuai is not afraid of suffering or tired

Help everyone receive courier, transport materials, clean up garbage

His selfless dedication moved the residents of the community

Let ’s take a look with Star Musk

This good guy's volunteer service story

"My young guy can't be ambiguous"

On the first day, Jiang Shuai was arranged to work on distribution courier. Jiang Shuai was very careful about the courier on the courier cabinet and was completely sent to the community residents. "No matter the size can be dropped, so as to avoid the risk of foreign infection." Jiang Shuai said.

The next day, Jiang Shuai wore a heavy sullen protective suit and became a "big white", which mainly assisted medical staff to test the home nucleic acid test.

Because of living in the community for many years, Jiang Shuai knows the structure of the community building very well and knows the situation of the neighbors of the neighborhood. On the first floor, there are several households, which one is closed at the door of the door. Jiang Shuai can blurt out, and he has had a lot of trouble for medical staff to test nuclear acids. Everyone can't help praising: "Jiang Shuai is a good guy!"

Jiang Shuai's mother is also a community epidemic prevention volunteer. Sometimes they look at each other for a long time before they can recognize each other. They say hello across the protective clothing, and the mother will also interest. "Mom doesn't know it." Jiang Shuai said, "Every family supports me to do volunteer service. My mother is my role model. She is not tired. I am even more ambiguous."

"Calling my uncle is a bit worried, but I am still very happy."

In the process of performing the task, Jiang Shuai will pay special attention to some difficult elderly people and children. When he meets an old man without a mobile phone, he will use his mobile phone to help the elderly inquire about nucleic acid detection information. Seeing that the child happened to be in a team with adults, he couldn't get the test window with his little feet. The medical staff could not detect it, and Jiang Shuai would run over to help the little guy. "Thank you, uncle." Jiang Shuai said: "Although my uncle is not a bit worried, I am still very happy."

During the volunteer service, some residents were unable to receive materials because they were isolated. "Some of the stranded materials are food. The weather is hot for a long time. It must be processed in time. While handling the garbage, I ran back and forth every day. "My WeChat steps can easily break through more than 10,000 every day, very good to exercise, and it is good." Jiang Shuai said cheerfully. I have forgotten that sometimes I am too tired to get rid of the protective clothing.

Although the volunteer service is very hard, Jiang Shuai still maintains patience, never complaining, and carefully handling every difficulty faced. He believes that it is worthwhile to help everyone with his own strength. This is an exercise, and it is also a growth for himself.

"The community is my home, and the school is my home"

After receiving the thank you letter, Jiang Shuai was a little surprised. He said that he was just doing some trivial things and helping others within the scope of power. It was not a big deal. But very happy that his efforts are recognized, and your service has more significance.

Earlier, Jiang Shuai also participated in the school's volunteer service at school. As a member of the Party Branch of the Petroleum College of Petroleum Engineering, his main task is to help guide and maintain order on the road of students to and from campus and dormitories.

"The community is my home, and the school is also my home. I am very willing to contribute to resisting and protecting my homeland." Jiang Shuai said.

Source: College Student Reporter Group

Interview: Liu Yuzheng Han Ziyao Wang Chenxi

Edit: Wei Zhibo

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