Will the people use medical insurance cards to buy medicines to be punished by credit cards?Sichuan Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau: No

Author:Chuanguan News Time:2022.07.06

Chuanguan News reporter Liu Chunhua

Recently, the Sichuan Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau issued the "Interim Measures for the use of Credit Management of the Sichuan Provincial Medical Security Fund" stipulated that medical insurance insured personnel lent medical insurance cards to others to use their names, which will be suspended from medical expenses to settle in and lowered the credit rating.

After Chuanguan News published this news, many netizens left a message to consult: What situation is the medical insurance card lending to others to use it? Use your own personal account to use your parents and children. Is it a medical insurance card?

Data map

Ms. Wang is a medical insurance employee in Chengdu. She often uses her own medical insurance card to buy medicines with diabetes in the pharmacy. After seeing the "Interim Measures for the use of Credit Management of the Sichuan Provincial Medical Security Fund", Ms. Wang hurriedly consulted. If she would use her own medical insurance card to buy medicines for her mother in the future, would she face credit punishment?

In response, the relevant person in charge of the Fund Supervision Office of the Sichuan Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau said that the situation of Ms. Wang is a family baiular use of a medical insurance personal account, and it is not considered a medical insurance card to lend others to use it.

What is the use of medical insurance personal accounts?

In order to improve the efficiency of the use of personal account funds for the basic medical insurance of urban employees, and facilitate employees to buy medicines for medical care. With the consent of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government, starting from March 1, 2019, Sichuan Province has expanded the scope of payment of urban employee medical insurance personal account funds from individual employees to employees and their spouses, couple parents, and children.

In other words, the employee's personal account can pay the following fees for employees and their spouses, couple parents and children -

Medical expenses borne by personal burden of medical institutions at a designated medical institution;

Purchase drugs, medical devices, and medical consumables in fixed -point retail pharmacies;

Participate in the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, supplementary medical insurance, severe special illness insurance, long -term care insurance, etc., such as social insurance related to medical security related to the government.

However, the use of medical insurance card personal accounts for the use of the use of personal accounts for family accounts. It should be noted that the medical insurance card must be used by himself.

For example: Ms. Wang herself can take her own medical insurance card to the designated pharmacy to buy medicine for her mother, but her family members cannot hold Ms. Wang's medical insurance card alone to the pharmacy, and they buy medicine on the grounds of Ms. Wang. Otherwise, his behavior is suspected of using other people's medical insurance cards, and he and Ms. Wang will be punished accordingly.

The relevant person in charge of the Fund Supervision Office of the Sichuan Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau reminded that the medical insurance card can only be used by the employees in the insurance and must not be used to use it for others. Whether the insured actively lend the card to others, or the other people's active use of other people's medical insurance cards, they will be punished in accordance with laws and regulations.

Medical Insurance Tips >>>


Basic medical insurance are divided into two types

my country's basic medical insurance is divided into urban employee basic medical insurance and basic urban and rural residents' medical insurance. Among them, there are two accounts for the basic medical insurance of urban employees, namely personal accounts and overall funds.

The basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents has only a coordinated fund and no personal account.


How to pay medical insurance for urban employees?

Urban employee's medical insurance participation payment is jointly paid by individuals and units. Among them, all of the individual payment parts are included in the personal account. Some of the parts paid by the unit are included in the personal account and part of them have entered the overall fund.


How to use the money of urban employee medical insurance accounts?

Insured personnel at personal accounts can be used alone, including buying medicines at designated pharmacies, seeking medical treatment, and paying for medical insurance reimbursement, and so on.

The overall funds are mainly used for reimbursement of medical expenses such as hospitalization, referrals, outpatient chronic diseases, or special diseases such as hospitalization, reformers in different places.

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