They ease the "difficult roads" outside the scenic area, and tourists are more comfortable to play

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.06

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan client July 6th "Thank you for your hard work and alleviate the" difficulty of walking on the periphery of Luoyan Scenic Area. "In the early morning of July 5th, the police officer of the East Lake Public Security Bureau dressed in uniforms and came to Luoyan Scenic Area early Along the line, guide vehicles with prone to congestion. There was a whistle between the endless vehicles.

"Luoyan Scenic Area closed the park for one year, the opening of the park has a high degree of attention, and the road along the scenic area is narrow. Visitors may face travel problems such as difficulty parking and poor peripheral traffic." Tao Zhiping of the Donghu Public Security Bureau heard the difficulties in the preparation of the opening of the Donghu Luoyan Scenic Area. He communicated with the scenic area on the spot to communicate the "pain point" of the peripheral traffic travel, and drafted the work plan to connect the peripheral transportation.

"During the peak of the garden, the" Han police fast riding "can help the staff of the scenic area to guide the vehicle to enter and exit to form a good traffic order; for traffic jams caused by Guiyan Road and the second road, we can set up a prohibited signing sign. The responsibility policeman 'walking "work, conduct traffic guidance, and relieve traffic pressure along the line." Tao Zhiping said.

It is understood that on the occasion of Luoyan Scenic Area, the Donghu Public Security Branch returned to Yanyan 1st Road and Guiyan 2nd Road. A total of 7 prohibited stop signs were erected. The congested road section and the scenic area "moved" on and out of the road to persuade the vehicle to stop the vehicle.

"On the day of opening the park, the traffic flow was large. Thanks to the comrades of the public security, it did not cause tourists to be blocked, and helped us busy!" Wan Na, a staff member of the Donghu Luoyan Scenic Area, said that in the past, weekend holidays, in accordance with the requirements of normal epidemic prevention and control requirements, restricted the number of people entering the park, under the number of people entering the park, under the number of people entering the park, under the number of people entering the park, under the number of people entering the park, under the number of people entering the park, under the number of people entering the park, under the number of people entering the park. There are still many tourists reporting that it is difficult to drive. This time, through a scientific traffic command plan, the scenic area has held the "traffic pressure", creating a more comfortable play experience for tourists.

On the morning of the 5th, the East Lake Luoyan Scenic Area and his party sent the flags printed with hot golden characters and the thanks to the East Lake Public Security Bureau, and praised the staff to the staff's work style of "doing practical things efficiently and solving problems for the people."

The relevant person in charge of the East Lake Ecological Tourism Scenic Area Branch of Wuhan Public Security Bureau said: "This operation was affirmed by tourists and scenic spots last weekend. In the future, we will continue to be on holidays and passenger flow hours to assist the scenic area. Well to serve citizens tourists. "

(Li Wenjie, a reporter Li Wenjie, a correspondent Li Liang and Su Chang)

【Edit: Zhao Ke】

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