Tengchong lotus: strong "base" solidarity "book", release the vitality of rural

Author:Tengchong released Time:2022.06.13

In order to promote the efficiency of the work style revolution to strengthen the efficiency of the organs and comprehensively boost the entrepreneurial spirit of cadres and staff officers, while doing a good job of the prescribed actions, Tengchong City insists on bold exploration, courageous innovation, and inspire all town cadres and workers to surround the center and serve the overall situation. Contribute wisdom and strength to the high -quality development of lotus.

Competition compete for the job, enhance the entrepreneurial passion of officers to start a business

On the basis of full research and judgment, the town party committee and government combined with personal expertise, jobs, qualifications, etc., through procedures such as declaration, democratic recommendation, inspection, etc., a group of outstanding young cadres who are reliable, strong, responsible, business proficient in business, and support for the masses are supported by the masses. Selected to the position of the stock office, so that the job is suitable and the personnel are suitable, the real -guided guidance of the "superior first, the ability of the ability, and the mediocrity". At the same time, give full play to the role of the "command stick", combine the usual assessment with the annual assessment, and let the cadres stand on the reporting seat to talk about work, talk about results, and accept democratic evaluation. Under a fair and objective way to urge cadres to regularly evaluate and summarize their own provinces to improve work efficiency.

Be pair to help people and improve the level of performance of performance

In order to help young team members and newly -employed cadres enter the work role and consolidate the combat effectiveness. One is that the old leaders who switch to non -leadership positions actively assist in the new team members, do a good job of linking community affairs and some key projects in charge. The old leaders were invited to attend the party and government team to help decisions on discussions and improve the scientific and operable decision -making. The second is to carry out the work of the newly -employed civil servant. Each member of each team is paired with the newly -employed civil servants after 2020, passing ideas, helping business, and work style to improve the overall level of young civil servants.

Talking and talking in place, promoting responsibility as confidence

In the organizational life meeting, party members and young talents of the party branch of the organ conducted a solid conversation with the party members of the party branch, talked about the issues, talked about the opinions, talked to the mind, and further condensed the consensus. During the Democratic Life Conference, the party secretary and team members, team members, team members and responsible comrades of the division, members of the team, and party branch members of the party organization's relationship were exposed to open -minded and frank and confession. It is worth mentioning that after the adjustment of the cadres and staff positions in April, the party secretary and the post adjustment staff talked about it. While doing realistic work and alleviating work pressure, they carefully listened to the problems of cadres and employees' work and life. His questioning and confusion helped him go better.

Take the lead to demonstrate the point to improve the effectiveness of the front line work

Since the beginning of this year, Hehua Town has supported the whole town and vigorously carried out demonstration creation of rural revitalization. Focusing on the two demonstration sites of "Shui Mei Dai Township" and "Apocalypse", the main leadership hanging points, deputy leadership packages, town and village cadres The work mechanism of the joint account. The members of the team and cadres and employees, based on the sense of responsibility of "not waiting,", revolved around the difficulties and problems in the creation. The improvement of rectification, through the "quantity change" on the point, bring the "qualitative change" on the face. At the same time, cadres and employees under the age of 30 have carried out "one small idea per person to help the construction of demonstration sites" and contributed to the creation of the activities. At present, the two demonstration sites have begun to results, and cadres have also been exercised and cultivated in the process.

Wen | Sai Mei

Figure | Comprehensive

Edit | Guan Zhiqin, Peng Lei, Liu Shangjiao

Editor in charge | Du Jia Cong Yang Yanmiao

Editor -in -Chief of Dating | Shen Xianggui review | Wang Tao

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