Party Construction Leaders | Shimotong Road, Shibei District to carry out the "July 1st" activity

Author:Popular Net Qingdao Time:2022.07.06

In order to create a good atmosphere of welcoming the 20th CPC victory of the party, and in -depth promotion of the "Main Style Raise Year" activity, the morning of July 1 was sponsored by the Qingdao CPPCC Social and Legal Work Office. Community Party Committee and Qingdao Bank of Luoyang Road Community Sub -branch co -organized by the "Welcome Twenty CPC, New Age of Dreams" celebrating the "July 1st" event was grandly launched on the Zhengzhou Road Community Luodong Community Square. Wang Lei, the leader of the seventh tour of the seventh tour of the Municipal Party Committee, Wang Lei, the Deputy Secretary -General of the CPPCC and director of the General Office, Zhang Zhongdong, Zhao Xun, full -time member of the CPPCC, Ma Yaoqing, director of the Social and Legal Work Office of the CPPCC, Chen Zhongwei, Chairman of the District CPPCC, Luoyang Wang Jiawei, director of the road street office, and party members of the party committee of the CPPCC, the party branch of the party branch of the CPPCC, the relevant leaders of the CPPCC, and the members of the CPPCC, and the co -construction units who have long supported community grassroots work attended the event.

The event kicked off in "Celebrate Gongs and Drums". Ma Yaoqing, director of the Social and Legal Work Office of the CPPCC Social and Legal Work Office and Secretary of the Party Branch of the Social Law Office, addressed the event. Ma Yaoqing said in his speech: "This year is the year of our city's style of style, and the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. This event was held on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party. The spiritual appearance, firmness and determination to "always go with the party", on the other hand, give full play to the role of the CPPCC platform, promote more members of the CPPCC members to join the community civilization co -construction, safety creation, poverty alleviation, and volunteer service In the event, with the direction of leading the party flag, insist on taking the 'I for doing practical things for the masses' as an important part of implementing the whole process of improving the style of work style, and welcoming the 20th victory of the party with actual actions. "

Facing the bright red party flag, under the leadership of the party secretary of the Zhengzhou Road Community of Luoyang Road Street, all party members raised their right fists and vowed solemnly. The vows of the sentence expresses the firm ideals and beliefs of party members for life for communism.

After the oath was completed, the leaders awarded the "most beautiful" community worker trophy for community party volunteers and resident volunteers. Since the epidemic occurred, more than 60 party members and resident volunteers on Zhengzhou Road community have always participated in the front -line prevention and control of the community, the wind blows and the sun, and the strong barrier to block the proliferation of the epidemic day and night. They do not pay attention, do not ask for returns, selfless dedication, and serve community residents for a long time. Although they have passed the year of flowers, they even have more than seventy years, but they always maintain a good volunteer service spirit and work style, adhere to the prevention and control of the epidemic situation The deployment of various tasks, cooperating with the community to do a good job of nucleic acid sampling, order maintenance, information registration, card duty, etc., it is really a good helper for grass -roots party organizations, intimate people of the masses, and good examples of the next generation!

Subsequently, the leaders who still adhered to the front line of the community volunteer service and participated in the community grass -roots governance service work for the fifty years of the party in Zhengzhou Road community for 50 years. Speaking: "I got this honor today, I was very excited and happy. As an old party member, I watched more and more young party members. I thought that I could not fall behind. Whether it was a fight against the epidemic, or the daily volunteer activity of the community, or the daily volunteer activities of the community. As long as the organization needs, I must rush on the front line, make an example for the younger generation of party members, and stand in my own ordinary post. "

The red alliance unit of the community has played a vital role in the grass -roots work governance of Zhengzhou Road community. Whether it is participating in the prevention and control of the epidemic or the daily assistance of the community, the red alliance units actively go to the community to carry out work, and act as practical actions. Implement the co -construction, co -governance sharing, serve the community residents with intentions, affection, and effort to strive for their "intimate people".

Wang Yanfang and Qingdao Bank Community Financial Division Yu Qing, who has long supported community work and contributed to the grassroots construction of the community for a long time, has contributed to the construction of the community grassroots construction. The Luxu Community Sub -branch Happy neighborhood volunteer team and Qingdao Hongye Hong Volunteer Service Team four red alliance co -construction units awarded the banner.

After the awards ceremony, the Zhengzhou Road Community "Welcome to the 20th National Congress, and the New Era of Building a Dream" literary performance officially started. The Zhengzhou Road Community does not have Lao Song Art Troupe brought the dance "My and My Motherland". The majestic tunes and beautiful dances express their affection and love for the party, and let us feel the joy of the people welcoming the new life.

Wang Gang, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the CPPCC, brought us the song "Faith", which was written and sung by himself, pushed the entire show to a climax. Everyone was deeply attracted by the singing. Make singing and singing, and explained in the singing "The people have faith, the country has power, and the nation has hope."

Qingdao Bank Luoyang Road Community Sub -branch's happy neighborhood volunteer team used the sites to interpret the online refund to seduce the elderly for transfer by the theme of anti -telecommunications fraud. The story happened. The lively and lively performances of the happy neighbor's volunteers have caused applause and laughter from the audience from time to time. Combined with the scenario drama performance, Liu Xiaoyu, president of Luoyang Road Community Branch of Qingdao Bank on the spot, also carried out the knowledge of law popularization knowledge for everyone, and took the lead in assisting in the help of volunteer services such as anti -fraud and telecommunications services for the elderly to contribute to the community law education education. The representatives of the party, regiment, and team of Zhengzhou Road Second Primary School expressed their birthday wishes to the party in the form of chanting red classics. Along with the gentle melody and powerful street shooting, they talked about their love for the mother of the motherland, grateful to the Communist Party of China, looking back at the glorious years of passionate burning, remembering the immortal deeds of the revolutionary pioneers, looking forward to the responsibility and mission of the new journey in the new era, and feeling the hard work Powerful motivation for progress.

"Listen to me, thank you, thank you for your happiness ..." With the soft and beautiful songs, Zhengzhou Road Community staff, Qingdao Bank Luoyang Road Community Sub -branch, a happy neighborhood volunteer, and medical road of Affiliated Hospital Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Volunteers "Listen to Me" Gesture Dance. The moving sign language dance steps expresses everyone's love for the party, and expresses the gratitude and praise of the volunteers and co -construction units who contribute to the work of the Zhengzhou Road community. (Correspondent Hou Lin)

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