From 0:00 on July 6th, Xi'an will implement temporary management and control of 7 days

Author:Yanta Rong Media Time:2022.07.05

Today (July 5th), the Xi'an Municipal Government News Office held a press conference on the prevention and control of the New Guan Guan Pneumonia Epidemium in Xi'an (76th). At the meeting, Zhang Xuedong, deputy director of the Office of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters and Deputy Secretary -General of the Municipal Government, said that in order to further reduce the flow of personnel, reduce the risk of cross -infection, and strive to achieve the clear cases at an early date. According to experts and judges, the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters decided to implement temporary temporary management and control measures in the city from 0:00 on July 6.

(1) Public entertainment and leisure venues (KTV, Internet cafes, bars, chess rooms, script killing, dense room escape, foot bath shops, bathing centers, steaming houses, teahouses, etc.), personnel gathering operating places (gym, gymnasium, yoga hall, and yoga hall and yoga hall and yoga hall and yoga hall and yoga hall and yoga hall and All kinds of training, intermediary agencies, etc.), public cultural activity venues (indoor attractions, cultural museums, libraries, museums, movie theaters, etc.) and rural marketing markets were suspended for 1 week. Special places such as supervisors, welfare institutes, and pension institutions are closed.

(2) Each dining units in the city (including beverage shops, snack shops, breakfast shops, etc., excluding hotels and units internal cafeteria) have been suspended for 1 week, strictly implementing the coding registration system and other systems. The telephone wait for takeaway order and implement the "contact -free" distribution service.

(3) Strictly control personnel gathering, and will not hold large -scale meetings and offline training for the time being within 1 week to strictly control group activities. Implement "Slowing Event, Single Funeral, and Banquet." All religious venues (including folk belief venues) are temporarily closed and all religious activities are suspended.

(4) Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens are on vacation in advance, universities implement closed management, and training institutions have suspended their business for 1 week.

(5) All party and government agencies, enterprises and institutions, communities, public places, transportation, outdoor attractions, catering units (takeaway), commercial supermarkets and other places in the city must strictly implement code scanning, temperature measurement, standardizing wearing masks, ventilation disinfection Waiting for measures.

It shows that the 7 -day temporary control measures are to calm the society as much as possible, reduce social liquidity, quickly find potential risks, and reduce the risk of cross -infection. Due to the more contagiousness of Omikon's mutant strain, the faster propagation, some infected people have no symptoms or symptoms, so they are more concealed during the spread. We must run with time and viruses, the speed of wins to win the virus, prevent all possible risks and hidden dangers, and resolutely avoid community communication and outbreak. The temporary "quietness" is to "move" as soon as possible, and let citizens' friends "move" with peace of mind as soon as possible.

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