Luoyang Women's Federation: "Six Nothing" to prevent drowning

Author:Luoyang Daily Time:2022.07.05

Recently, the Luoyang Women's Federation issued the "A letter to parents to prevent drowning". Through the specific "six no" suggestions, parent education advocates minor education to raise awareness of safety protection, prevent risk of drowning, and ensure that they have a safe and happy holiday.Essence

"Six Nothing" includes: Swimming without permission; swimming with others without authorization; swimming without the leadership of no parents; swimming without safety facilities, no rescue personnel;Water -based children do not leave the water without authorization.

Summer is a high incidence of drowning accidents. The Luoyang Women's Federation advocates that parents in the city pay attention to safety education. Especially to educate children to avoid blind rescue when they encounter drowning.Playing or swimming by the water should be discouraged in time to avoid accidents.

Luo Bao Mercy Reporter Li Yajun Correspondent Dong Cuicui

Source: palm Shang Luoyang

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