The association pricing "hair cut 60 hot dye 300"?Hairdressing store: The price has not changed, the group purchase can be used

Author:Qilu Yiyi Time:2022.07.05

Reporter Guo Chunyu Zhang Xikun

Yunnan Dali Prefecture Beauty and Hairdressing Association 60 yuan hair cutting and 300 yuan perculed dyeing pricing storm continue to attract attention. On July 5th, the Dali Prefecture Market Supervision and Administration Bureau responded that the Dali State Beauty and American Issuance Association had canceled the notice on July 4.

Recently, a "red -headed document" of the Dali State Beauty and American Distribution Association was circulated on the Internet. The content of the "Notice of the" Regulations on Market Price Adjustment "of the Dali State Beauty and Beauty Issuing Industry Association" shows that the industry association meeting passed: represented by large and medium -sized stores, and the store cutting of the store was set to 60 yuan. The reference price of hair dyeing is 300 yuan. According to the situation of the merchant, it shall not exceed 5%of the upper and lower fluctuations. It is hoped that businesses in each area will make adjustments in an orderly manner. The date of the notice is July 3, 2022.

The reporter searched found that on the afternoon of July 4, the Dali Prefecture Beauty and American Issuance Association issued [Notice on the Rejuvenation of the Dali Prefecture Beauty Issuing Industry Association on Market Price Adjustment Standards ", which said that the aforementioned documents were inappropriate, and the document was revoked now. And fully accept the rectification of relevant departments.

Many citizens in Dali stated to reporters that the price of local haircuts has been stabilized at about 20-30 yuan, and the price of some "net red shops" generally does not exceed 50 yuan.

In addition, the reporter inquired about Volkswagen Comment Network and and other websites found that the current haircut price is relatively stable and rarely has more than 60 yuan of hair cutting prices.

"We cut the hair price without changing the hair. If you buy it, you can come directly to the store." A hairdressing shop manager told reporters that the price of the current price of hair cutting in the store is the lowest price of 19.9 yuan.

In addition, the staff of another hairdressing shop told reporters that they did not know the pricing of the Hairdressing Association and did not receive a notice. "We also have 60 yuan of hair cutting. The price is different, the ordinary hair cut in the store is 30 yuan. "

Public information shows that the registration date of the establishment of the Dali State Beauty Beauty Distribution Industry Association was 2016, and the legal representative Liu Shibo. Its business scope includes: exploring the development path of the beauty and hairdressing industry in Dali Prefecture; making up and practical exploration for the reform of the political and economic system of Dali Prefecture, holding various forms of expert lecture classes, training classes and special lectures; reflecting the situation, extending Righteousness, maintaining the normal production and work order of enterprises, forming public opinion, and maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of brand enterprises are not violated.

According to media reports, the legal representative of the Dali Prefecture Beauty and Beauty Issuing Industry Association is the owner of an ordinary barber shop. In this regard, the Dali Prefecture Market Supervision Bureau responded that he did not know.

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