coming!Zhoukou Early News (July 5, 2022)

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.07.05

Today's weather: On July 5, 2022, Zhoukou turned light rain to light rain, temperature of 23 ° C to 26 ° C, northeast wind, level 3.


On July 4th, the city's 2022 civil servants' selection written test work report was held. Our city requires that the organizational departments should take the lead in the written test work and work together with the Human Resources and Social Security Department to uniformly lead the written test work. It is necessary to focus on whether the system is implemented in the process of writing and examination work, whether the confidentiality measures are perfect, and whether the safety responsibility is clear. All departments should clarify the division of labor, strengthen pre -post training, refine work goals, decompose and implement layers, resolutely overcome the psychological and fluke mentality of paralysis, ensure that all aspects of the written test, the implementation of various tasks, the responsibilities to the person, and excellent achievements with excellent results. Welcome to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

On the morning of July 4, the city leaders went to the on -site office of the Electronic Information Industry Park in Chuanhui District to study and solve the difficulties and problems in the process of promoting the project. It is required that the Chuanhui District and relevant units must timely and effectively solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the project construction process, and promote the speed up, quality improvement, and efficiency of the project construction. The project construction unit should optimize the construction organization. While ensuring the safety and quality of construction, it must strive to accelerate the pace of construction in seconds and strive to build and put it into use in the shortest time.

Recently, a new round of outbreaks have appeared in many cities in neighboring provinces. The city's risk pressure on foreign defense input has increased. Our city requires that counties, cities, and departments must enter the state of war and effectively do the epidemic prevention and control of various items. Work; after the existing problems, the supervision of the special classes, after careful research, the supervision and inspection must be targeted, praise the rectification, and report the poor rectification. Inspection, the problems discovered are against each other, and resolved in a timely manner; all personnel of the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters must go all out to meet the arrival of this round of epidemic, adhere to the report system one day, and build a strict line of prevention and control of the epidemic.

As of the end of June, the cargo throughput volume of Zhoukou Central Port was 4.64 million tons in the first half of 2022, an increase of 40%over the same period last year; the container throughput completed the 20968 bonus, an increase of 73.6%over the same period last year.

On July 4th, the Port Port Port District New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention Headquarters issued a notice on the testing of all -employed nucleic acid sampling testing, which will be launched on July 6th. Sampling time: July 6th to 6:00 to 18:00.

On July 3rd, the Office of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Institute of Chuanhui District issued a notice issued. Recently, many domestic provinces and cities have successively issued cases and clustered epidemics, and the input risk has increased. In order to fully protect the health and safety of the people, the Office of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Institute of Chuanhui District once again reminded the relevant personnel to report to the community (village) and work units where the residence is located.

On July 3rd, the Office of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Institute of Crown Pneumonia in Zhoukou City Integrated Demonstration Zone reminded: actively reporting the itinerary, not necessary to go to the place where the epidemic occurred, (return) the demonstration area to report it in advance, enhance personal protection awareness, Strictly abide by the regulations for epidemic prevention, pay attention to the health status of themselves and their families, and vaccinate the new crown vaccine in a timely manner.

Recently, the Zhoukou Market Supervision and Administration Bureau 12315 Command Center issued a consumer warning to the majority of elderly consumers. When buying and using health care products, you should be vigilant. Do not blindly believe in verbal publicity. Select regular channels to buy, accept professional guidance to prevent it to prevent the guidance The quality of the purchase of the product informal channels cannot be guaranteed; the price is low; the lack of professional guidance, causing hidden safety hazards, and even misunderstanding; bad marketers exaggerate, false propaganda, make induction, misleading, and fraud. Evidence is locking and defending rights. At the same time, reminders of elderly consumers can call the 12315 hotline to report in time when they appear or discover infringement behaviors and phenomena during the consumption process, and protect their rights in accordance with the law.

On June 30, the Zhoukou Housing Provident Fund Center was successfully completed in 2022. According to the one -year regular deposit benchmark interest rate of 1.5%, a total of 336,700 depositors of 4,543 deposit units in the city were paid at 173.989 million yuan , Year -on -year increased by 20.83%. All interests have been simultaneously included in the depositors' personal housing provident fund account, please pay attention to check.

On July 1, Zhoukou Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and Zhoukou Consumers Association and the Shangshui County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and the Consumer Association of Shangshui County carried out the theme of the "Consumption Fairness" year theme and the advancement of elderly consumer education in 2022 Villages and community activities. According to the usual cases, the Zhoukou Consumer Association resolved a typical case, and the on -site statement made the majority of farmers no longer be deceived.

On the afternoon of July 2nd, the Zhoukou Literature Museum ushered in 103 municipal urban -rural integration demonstration district Wenchang Office of the Party School of the Party School of the Party School of the Party School of the Party School of the Party School of the Party School of the New Age Cadre theme Training Course for the enrollment.

Hot Search in the province

On June 30, the Founder Institute of Economic Research released the top 100 cities in China in Shanghai in Shanghai.

Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Tianjin, the top ten, Chongqing, Wuxi, Ningbo, Jinan, Changsha, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Hefei, Fuzhou, Xi'anju, 11th to 20th to 20th Pass.

Specific to Henan, there are 5 cities on the list, namely Zhengzhou (17), Luoyang (53), Xuchang (86), Xinxiang (96), Nanyang (98).

Starting at 8 o'clock on July 4, the last time Henan Gaozhao was launched in the last report. Before 18:00 on July 6, candidates can fill in the special approved approved, high vocational, high school, sports, and art specialty. This is also this year. In our province's high recruitment, the last concentrated online reporting volunteer, candidates must seize the opportunity. On July 2, the Grand Canyon Drifting Scenic Area in Luanchuan County, Luoyang was overwhelmed on the day of the opening of the opening of the drift scenic area of ​​the opening of the water, and 23 tourists were injured after falling into the water. The person in charge of the scenic area said that the matter was caused by the sudden fall of heavy rainwater.

Recently, a boy in Luoyang, Henan accidentally dropped the water while playing with water guns, and his grandmother went to the rescue and was rushed away by the water. After seeing the two men, they rescued the two of them regardless of their own jumping river.


According to the data released by the State Administration of Taxation, some passenger cars have been implemented for one month by halving the tax purchase tax policy, and the country ’s total reduction of 7.1 billion yuan in taxes and reduction of 1.097 million vehicles.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment recently released the national ecological quality index for the first time. The value of 2021 is 59.77, and the comprehensive evaluation of ecological quality is "two categories".

Recently, Yuan Daoxian, a well -known geological scientist, hydrogeologist, aquaronist, and a professor of Southwest University in my country, won the 50 -year -old Achievement Award of the Rock -soluble Committee of the International Hydrological Geology Association. Only 3 scientists around the world have won this honor.

The picture shows Yuan Daoxian. Photo Construction of Southwest University

The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the South Korean team 3: 1 and advanced to the World Women's Volleyball League Finals.

Don't live in the eyes of others, and don't live in your own emotions, is the wisdom of life. Really mature people will not indulge in their emotions, nor will they live in narrow cognition. Starting today, constantly learning and promoting yourself, one day, you can break through and surpass yourself. Good morning!

Source: Zhoukou Daily WeChat

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