100 million yuan!The second batch of second rounds of cultural tourism consumer coupons and refueling coupons will be opened at 10 am this morning

Author:Yunnan released Time:2022.07.05

In order to implement the "Several Policies and Measures on Preventing and Prevention and Control of Epidemic, Accelerating the Retransy and Development of Tourism", "Yunnan Province's Reluing Assistance Measures on the Cultural Tourism Industry", effectively guided, stimulated and released the vitality of cultural tourism consumption in Yunnan Province. The Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism jointly related oil companies and online platforms. From April to December 2022, 200 million yuan of "cultural tourism consumer coupons" and 100 million yuan "cultural tourism refueling vouchers" were issued. Multiple rounds of distribution.

In order to welcome the 2022 China International Tourism Fair in Kunming, allow tourists to travel to Yunnan and enjoy more discounts, Yunnan Province actively launched a tourist activity in Yunnan and "Yunnan people traveling Yunnan". The second round of cultural tourism consumer coupons and refueling vouchers.

July 5th at 10 am

The second batch of second rounds will be distributed

Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Voucher

Consumer vouchers are valid within 7 days from the date of receipt

Effective coupons will be effective within 15 days from the date of receipt

The refueling coupon will pass

"Ctrip" and "Tongcheng" online platform distribution

Consumer vouchers pass

"You Yunnan", "Ctrip", "Meituan", "Tongcheng"

Online platform distribution

The distribution time lasted until July 25


Colorful Yunnan self -driving "oil" Liwen travel refueling coupon

The Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism joined forces with Petroleum and Sinopec. Through the online platform of "Ctrip" and "Tongcheng", the second batch of second round of refueling coupons began to issue 31 million yuan in the second batch of second round of refueling coupons.

The total amount of fuel coupons per driving tour is 100 yuan. It includes: 20 yuan for gasoline coupons (4 pieces), 50 yuan at a non -oil universal ticket (1) at a time of 50 yuan. From the date of receipt of the refueling coupon, it is valid within 15 days. Visitors who receive self -driving tours must complete the consumption and reservation of a cultural tourism product on the "Ctrip" and "Tongcheng" platform (accommodation, scenic tickets, tourism performing arts, air tickets, self -driving travel charter) Essence


Colorful Yunnan Four Seasons "Tour" Ritual Consumer Consumer Course

The issuance of cultural tourism consumption coupons and the cultural tourism refueling coupon will be carried out during the same period. The Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism will be issued on July 5th through the four online platforms of "traveling Yunnan", "Ctrip", "Meituan", and "Tongcheng". The second batch of second rounds of cultural tourism consumption vouchers were 80 million yuan. This event covers cultural tourism consumption fields such as tourist attractions, tourism accommodation, tourism performing arts and leisure, tourism transportation, and tourism line products.

The Consumer Consumer Council of Cultural Tourism is divided into two types of vouchers: "General Cultural Tourism Consumer Course" and "Special Consumer Consumer Consumer Course". Use; special cultural tourism consumer coupons can purchase public transport (air tickets/high -speed rail tickets/train tickets), tourist route products, homestay hotel accommodation products on the OTA platform, and design a variety of consumption faces according to different products. Can be used for preferential discounts. Since the date of receipt of the Cultural Tourism Consumer Course, it is valid within 7 days.

During the 2022 China International Tourism Fair

Yunnan Province is facing the majority of cultural tourism consumers

Issuing "Consumer Consumer Council" and "Cultural Tourism Refueling Voucher"

Effectively stimulate the vitality of Yunnan Cultural Tourism Consumption

Further boost the confidence in the travel industry

Promote the growth of tourism consumption in the province

Let tourists enjoy more discounts

Fully experience "Colorful Yunnan World Garden"!

Data: Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Information officer: Fan Jianrong

Edit: Ma Zhenglin

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