Is this "Taiwan's Pride"?

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.04

Writing/Sword laugh & Sister Xun Sister

A new report from the Washington Post made the green camps on the island of Taiwan quite excited.

It is reported that the "Taiwan Volunteer Army" who "focused" to enter the war in Ukraine has forcibly linked the Ukrainian crisis to Taiwan's issues, rendered a wave of "Chinese threats", but also helped the island of "anti -Chinese conspiracy". Taiwan independence "forces have a wave of" sympathy and support ".

But what about the facts?

This so -called "Taiwanese Volunteer Army" is said to have about 10 people in total. When they were in Taiwan, some were guides, and some were sent off, but when they entered Ukraine, they were immediately touted by large American media and islands such as Huayai, saying that they reflected that Taiwan "helps others to help others and help their own spirit. ", Harvested the" valuable battlefield experience ", and even won" the support of multi -country soldiers to bravely brave. "

The island's green camp and the "standing" forces on the outside can hold such strange pieces as "the pride of Taiwan", which itself is strange.


The Washington Post made a "big article" for the so -called "Taiwanese Volunteer Army" on the Ukrainian battlefield on the 3rd.

"Be alert to the threat of China, Taiwanese joined Ukraine against Russia." In just one title, the purpose was exposed. Obviously, the situation of Ukraine was linked to the Taiwan issue, and by the way, the "worries" of Taiwan and external forces on the mainland's "martial arts".

Looking at the title alone, I thought how big this Taiwanese volunteer army was. In fact, even the two reporters of Lianhua Post did not figure out how many people joined the Ukrainian International Volunteer Army. However, according to the respondents, there are about 10 people with full calculations.

Even these people are enough to "deeply excavate".

The report has accurately locked several models to "show the significance of Taiwanese people to the Blacks of Blacks." One of them is Chuang Yu-Wei from Taoyuan.

This person is now 51 years old. He was a tour guide in Taiwan before and was a soldier in Taiwan in the 1990s. After entering Ukraine in March, he participated in patrol near the front line of Halkov, and also helped chefs, handling and replenishment, and digging trenches.

The report really gave the man named Zhuang a chance to self -explain the "noble sentiment". He said, "Taiwan can't just be a giant baby, crying for others to help, but you don't want to help others." "If you want others to help you, you must put out a helping hand first."

He also touched himself, saying that the Kiefest was blocked by the Russian army and let him immediately "want to have hope for Taiwan", and said that "helping Ukraine is equivalent to fighting for time for Taiwan."

After showing the Taiwanese "helping others and helping themselves", the second example came: Chen Ting-Wei, a 27-year-old man who had received Taiwan's "frogman".

This person appeared in the report to prove to prove that the front line of the Ukraine not only allowed Taiwanese to "accumulate valuable battlefield experience", but also "won the support of other peoples to Taiwan."

What "valuable battlefield experience"? Chen Tingwei tells how he and the soldiers of the same team escaped the trenches bombarded by the Russian army in less than a minute in advance and kept their lives. Therefore, "the most important experience on the battlefield is agile."

Agile ... To put it plainly, just go away as soon as possible?

In addition, what "support of other people's people"? Chen said that when he told other soldiers from Taiwan, the soldiers promised that if China "recovered" Taiwan, Taiwan would "see Taiwan."

As soon as Chen Tingwei turned around, he regarded several foreign soldiers as the "full authority" of their country. He described the reporter of Chinese posts that "people from Poland, the United States, Australia, Brazil and Ukraine" all expressed the meaning to him.

As soon as the report of the Washington Post came out, some media on the island were treasured and more exaggerated beautification was carried out in the process of reprinting the introduction.

Some Taiwanese media said that "multi -country soldiers were volunteer for Taiwanese volunteers and desperately aid Ukraine." That posture is as if when it is not "seeing" in Taiwan, "multi -country soldiers" have to regret to wipe their necks and commit suicide.

In fact, a 26 -year -old Pan (Pan) man in Hsinchu was also mentioned in Huayai report. He picked some problems of the Taiwan army. For example, compared with what he saw in the Ukrainian army, the Taiwan army did not pay enough attention to soldiers with special skills. The army is still encouraging the use of bayonet. "

Of course, what this person said to him did not appear in the translation of Taiwan media.

In fact, in conjunction with Western countries such as the United States, the situation of the Taiwan Strait was rendering the situation of the Taiwan Strait through Russia and Ukraine's conflict, especially the "military threats" of the mainland. Such actions have not done less in the US and European media. In order to "support democracy and freedom", they ran to Ukraine as the "volunteer army". Even the same person, even the same person, appeared more than once in Western media.

Prior to this report, on June 20, the BBC Chinese website had interviewed a Taiwanese "Volunteer" named "Volunteer" named Lee Cheng-Ling. "Coincidentally", this Li Chenglo also appeared in the report of Huayai on the 3rd.


It is not only keen on the United States media to make contact with Ukraine to make contact with Ukraine, but also from time to time in Washington's officials.

In an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation, the chairman of the United States Chiefs Chief of Staff, in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation, gave a ambiguous answer on whether China would attack Taiwan forces: "Maybe, should, or may. These are the key to describe the matter. word". "Possibly", "Should", "Perhaps" ... Next, Mili expressed the three layers of meaning on these keywords.

The first is "in terms of ability, I think China is obviously developing a ability."

Second, "whether they will attack, this is a political choice and a policy choice. It will be based on how China evaluates the cost risk income at that time."

Third, "there is no signs or warnings that are urgent at present," the United States is "observing the situation very closely and very closely."

The highest intelligence officials in the United States have recently expressed similar judgments.

Haier, the US National Intelligence Director said on June 29 that although Chinese leaders regarding Taiwan's unified Taiwan as a goal, she believes that mainland China "is still more inclined to be peaceful, rather than using force", " There is no sign of "" showing that mainland China is now interested in attacking Taiwan.

Look, don't they understand it very well?

This is also the attitude of mainland China: the Chinese People's Liberation Army is determined to be able to defeat any external forces interference and "Taiwan independence" division of division, and resolutely defend the national sovereign security and regional peace and stability. At the same time, how to solve the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs, and any other country has no right to interfere.

If you go forward, you will find that it is also Mili, who has publicly speculated that the PLA's "attack ability".

On May 3rd, Mili and the Minister of Defense Austin attended the hearing of the Senate Allocation Committee for the Delivery Committee. The budget of US $ 773 billion proposed by the Biden Government of 2023 was questioned by members of the Pentagon.

Milly claimed at the time: "The possibility of serious international conflicts broke out between the big country is increasing."

As for what "serious international conflict", Mily said, "Taiwan has always been China's military goal. The Chinese authorities require the PLA to prepare for their capabilities and have the ability to occupy Taiwan. This is a very difficult task. Whether China China It can really be observed to achieve this military plan. But whether they can have such capabilities, it is a goal. In 2027, we must remember this. "

After two months of full, Mili set up the so -called "martial arts" timetable for us from secret. When "force attack" is "possibly", "should", "may", "may" ...

In fact, the United States' argument about "the ability to attack Taiwan in 2027" in mainland China is not new.

The "China Military Report" announced by the US Department of Defense in November 2021 stated that "China's rapid promotion of military modernization was to have the ability to fight the US military in the Indo -Pacific region in 2027, and forced Taiwan's leadership to negotiate in accordance with Beijing conditions. "".

The United States has previously reported that "the People's Liberation Army has the ability to attack Taiwan in 2025".


From the media to politics and the military, all circles in the United States have frequently appeared on Taiwan -related issues, or trying to copy the "Ukrainian experience" in Taiwan. Some scholars have broken mystery.

First, through rendering the urgency of the so -called "Chinese threat", seeking legitimacy for the huge defense budget.

This is a good understanding of Milly given the specific time of "2027" at the Pentagon's budget hearing; in the face of a reporter's interview, he also said it was a vague rhetoric.

The second is that the United States curb forces have formed a path of "Taiwan -based China", which can deter mainland China and can also pave the way for the continued sales of Taiwan.

In the middle, Washington's intention to treat Taiwan as a chess piece was so obvious, but the DPP authorities could not wait to achieve the "internationalization of Taiwan issues" through the Russian conflict.

"Foreign Minister" Wu Zhaozheng, who is very busy in these half a year, is busy with interviews with international media, voiced in the international community, rendered the impact of Russia and Ukraine's conflict on Taiwan, and the so -called "Chinese threat".

Wu Zhaozheng believes that it is the two major advantages of Taiwan with "a key role in the global high -tech supply chain" and "playing a key role in the global high -tech supply chain". In an attempt to win more support from the international community with the so -called "global democratic camps must unite".

This routine has "helped" Ukraine as a few Taiwanese mentioned by the Washington Post before. In the future, Taiwan will get the same logic of "assistance" of democratic countries, which is too passionate.

In the final analysis, the Ukrainian issue is the diplomatic and security issues in the context of the great power. The issue of Taiwan is the issue of China's internal affairs. Of course, the two cannot be confused.

The "Taiwan independence" forces try to internationalize the Taiwan issue in the Russian and Ukraine conflict, and it is impossible to achieve the attempt of "rectification" as the "country".

Pictures from the network

Source: Make up one knife

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