Extraordinary Comment | Men's online car rental was rejected after being rejected by "arra

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.13

Ji Mu News commentator Qu Jing

On June 11th, when a man was exposed to a car on the Internet, he exposed that a man was on the Internet. Because the driver did not allow smoking, he called two law enforcement officers and claimed to be "enthusiastic citizens." After the two men who claimed to be law enforcement officers came to the scene, they found that the driver's documents were complete. The staff of the Government Affairs Hotline of the People's Government of Songbei District said that it has received relevant reports and will be transferred to the Transportation Bureau for processing. (According to China Youth Network on June 13)

It is a basic common sense and a civilized literacy that ordinary people should have on public transportation. Drivers preventing passengers from smoking is a manifestation of responsibility and abide by the rules, and should be praised and encouraged. However, at the same time, online car drivers should hold "dual certificates" and operate legally, which is also clearly stipulated by law, and will be punished if violated regulations. This was originally two things clearly, but under the stirring of various strange operations, it became a pool of muddy water.

The online video shows that after the man wanted to smoke in the car, he asked the driver if there was a relevant license. The driver said that he had no online taxi qualification certificate and business qualification certificate. Come, brother ... I just want to smoke the root cigarette, you will not let me smoke ... Do you, let you know me ... "

This happens here. Although it is difficult to hear, at most, the revenge report. Although the reporting motivation is not pure, if the driver does not have a dual certificate, he can only be punished obediently. But what I did not expect was that the driver just flickered casually. In fact, the dual evidence was complete, just for the "anti -routine". The two who claimed to be a self -proclaimed law enforcement officer rushed, but rushed to the air, leaving a lot of video evidence and many doubts.

The man who called people was just "enthusiastic citizens", but he called private phone calls when he complained, and the words were quite casual when talking, and he seemed to be familiar with each other. "There is a relationship" and "background", which puts pressure on drivers. An ordinary citizen, where is such a heart and confidence? Moreover, after he called, he really came to the scene soon when he was wearing a uniform and a certificate. If there was no personal relationship, it was difficult to serve the crowd.

After the incident was exposed, many netizens said that they looked like "fishing law enforcement." If the man who calls himself is also a law enforcement officer, he not only lacks the quality of civilization, but also has the suspicion of "bulletin private hatred". In accordance with the relevant laws of my country's relevant laws, administrative law enforcement should follow the principles of fairness, justice, and legal. It shall not collect evidence through seductive, fraud and other means. Whether it is law enforcement procedures or investigation and evidence, it must be based on strict regulations. This seems to be called a "younger brother" to help yourself settle the law enforcement method, which is obviously suspected of abusing public power.

And if the man is indeed only a "enthusiastic citizen", then the law enforcement personnel who come to check the car are so closely related to ordinary citizens, so "listening to arrangements" is suspected of public rights and private use? You should also call a question mark. Of course, there is another possibility that these three people are not law enforcement officers and are all pretending. Then, posing as public officials law enforcement is also illegal.

The truth of the matter needs to be found in the relevant departments, but the principle of law enforcement must not be illegal. Public power is given by the people. Exercise of power must serve the people and be responsible for the people, rather than to fight for privileges for themselves. Law enforcement checks can only be to ensure the legal and safe operation of the driver, not to let some people smoke in the car. In any case, public power must be used legally, abuse or use public power to scare people, and eventually only eat it.

(Picture Source: Screenshot of Green Hornet Video News)

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