More than 500 young volunteers help Guangzhou students in peace entrance examination

Author:Guangzhou Youth Daily Time:2022.07.04

Guangzhou Youth Daily (Professor Wang Chenhui Correspondent Sui Tuanxuan) On the morning of June 20, the Guangzhou City High School Entrance Examination kicked off on the morning of 2022. In order to help candidates create a relaxed and convenient examination atmosphere and create a comfortable and comfortable examination environment, the Youth League and Municipal Party Committee will be with the Youth League Committee, the Guangzhou Public Transport Group Commission, the Guangzhou Metro Youth League Committee, the Guangzhou Volunteer Station Federation, and the Guangzhou Youth Volunteer Association. The "Volunteer Special Service Activities of the Entrance Examination, organize 512 young volunteers in the city to provide volunteer services in six aspects, including site assistance, psychological decompression, and love for examinations in 19 test sites in the city. "" Guardiac "and" Guidans "and" protective umbrellas "cheer for students in the city.


Young volunteers are candidates' "gas stations"

During the college entrance examination in 2022, the Youth League and Municipal Party Committee and the Guangzhou Bus Station Management Company opened the "Love Examination Gas Station" to cheer for candidates and bring positive energy. During the middle school entrance examination, the "Love Assistance Gas Station" continued to open. From June 20th to 22nd, the Youth League and Municipal Party Committee and other units carried out five bus stations including Tianpingjia, Guangzhou Railway Station, and Tianhe Passenger Transport Station to help volunteer services for the high school entrance examination and organized young volunteers to provide candidates to provide examination stationery packages and epidemic prevention emergency emergency response to candidates. Packing and other supplies help candidates to "win the entrance examination."

June 20 is the first day of the entrance examination. At less than 7 o'clock, Xiao Hong, a member of the Communist Youth League, rushed to the service point. Xiao Hong has participated in the volunteer activities of the college entrance examination many times, and has rich experience in the examination. After arriving at the scene, he was proficiently arranged "Love to help the gas station", set up tents, set a table, and put the love materials such as stationary stationery packs, epidemic prevention packages, masks, alcohol cotton slices, towels, etc. It is convenient for candidates to take it out of time. After completing the preparation work, Xiao Hong plays the "Internet celebrity" on behalf of the young volunteers of Guangzhou -the cartoon character "Yang Yang", wearing a ribbon with "the invincible, the winning entrance examination", and the volunteers of the "love assistance station" Holding the gas slogan, helping candidates around the gas station, and providing the guidance of test sites for candidates in need. "Two weeks ago, I took the college entrance examination for the love for the examination. This time I continued to sign up for the volunteer service of the entrance examination, and I wanted to do my best. Our hand -lifting work may be a warmth for candidates." In the gap of the service, Xiao Hong is while while the service. Wiping the sweat on his forehead and said to reporters.

During the middle school entrance examination, in addition to the "Love Examination and Gas Station", 7 volunteer stations in Yuexiu District of Guangzhou, 4 volunteer stations in Nansha District, and Huangpu Book City Volunteer Station have also been prepared. In the surrounding area, through the form of horselights, volunteers and candidates, etc., they cheer for candidates. On the other hand, provide candidates and parents with free drinking materials, prevent epidemic prevention materials, heatstroke prevention and cooling, and take a nap to help candidates for volunteer services to help candidates go smoothly smoothly. Test.

Decompression line

Young volunteers are candidates' "psychological masseur"

In order to alleviate the psychological pressure of candidates, the Youth League and Municipal Committee rely on Guangzhou Youth Cultural Palace 12355 Youth Service Hotline and the psychological hotline of the youth in various districts to open the "decompression line". Volunteer leaders combine their own psychological counseling and social work professional advantages to understand problems, relieve stress, and guide their emotions through hotline services, and help candidates respond to the examination in the best psychological state.

In addition to the Youth Palace 12355 Youth Service Hotline, the district committees of each Youth League have also opened the hotline of youth service, arranging professional volunteers to relieve pressure for candidates. Relying on the Tianhe Youth Zone Project and the "Secret Garden" growth, the "Secret Garden" does not lonely to open the "Middle School Entrance Examination Decperred Line" to invite "green" messengers to provide psychological assistance services for students and parents in the need in a timely manner. The Tuannan Sha District Committee also opened a hot line for artificial service to build a safe, effective channel for discussing and asking for help for candidates and parents.

Love to send exams

Young volunteers are candidates' "carrier"

During the middle school entrance examination, the Youth League and Municipal Committee will continue to serve the love and volunteer services during the college entrance examination with the Guangzhou Metro Communist Youth League Committee, and continue to go to the examination for candidates. Xiao Xiao, a station staff member of the Guangzhou Metro Group, mainly participates in the work of the Care Epidemic Prevention Examination Station and provides candidates in need to provide a "love gift package", including "love and epidemic" with medical masks, alcohol wet towels, etc. The "caring bag" of the commonly used stationery and the "love treasure box" equipped with commonly used heat -proof drugs. "This year is the third time I have participated in the volunteer service of the middle and college entrance examinations. The most impressive thing is that a candidate remembered that there was no ruler when he was out of the station, and he hurried to the station to ask for help. There are rules. I am also very happy to watch his smiley face. "In addition, the neighboring test sites and the normalized streams of passenger flow control have set up the" Candidates Quick Green Channel "at the security point and entry and exit gate. You need to "bright code" in advance, and you can quickly pass the admission ticket after the temperature measurement.

Civilized traffic

Young volunteers are candidates' "guide"

"Please don't make a loud noise and keep quiet." In the early morning of the first day of the high school entrance examination, young members of the group members in the "volunteer green" vest have appeared at the entrance of Liuxi Middle School of Conghua District to maintain the order outside the examination room and guide candidates to wear The mask enters the test room. She said: "I am a college entrance examination for Liuxi Middle School this year. In the three days of the college entrance examination, I saw that there were many police uncle, uncle security guards and volunteers outside the examination room. Instantly, I can return to my alma mater to carry out volunteer service activities to help students and students go through the middle school entrance examination smoothly. I feel very meaningful! "Coincidentally, Xiao Guo, a student of Guangzhou No.13 Middle School, who has just ended this year's college entrance examination, is also in Tuan Tianhe The district committee's call participated in the volunteer service of the high school entrance examination. "My sister is a college student and a volunteer. Under her influence, I also want to do my best to contribute to the society and bring warmth to others."

Emergency Rescue

Volunteers are candidates' "protective umbrellas"

In this middle school entrance examination, parents volunteers are active outside the examination room, maintaining a good order in the examination room, and supporting the "protective umbrella" for candidates. At the Temple Examination Point of Tianhe District No. 1 Middle School, the volunteer service teams formed by 80 school students, parents, caring people and other volunteers guided candidates to regulate wearing masks and kept spacing and entered the examination room in an orderly manner. , Ensure that the exam is stable.

In addition, the district committees of each Youth League also carried out emergency rescue assistance volunteer services to deal with possible emergencies and reduce worries for candidates to take the exam. Volunteers are responsible for volunteer work such as mobile patrols, evacuating the crowd, maintaining order, and inquiry guidelines, and provide umbrellas, gastrointestinal medicine, heatstroke prevention, wind -driven oil and hemostatic stickers, as well as the need for candidates and parents. Epidemium prevention materials such as masks and gels are always available to help candidates complete the exam.

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