Return to time!Police successfully rescue the little girl on the top of the tractor shed Time:2022.07.04

Heilongjiang Net News (Reporter Shi Yansong) In the deep water, a man walked towards the deep water of the low -lying section of the low -lying section regardless of the police's persuasion. It turned out that his daughter was trapped on a tractor hundreds of meters away. "You are too dangerous in the past, let's walk together!" Just then, a pair of powerful big hands held the man, and the police of the traffic police brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Baiquan County came to the man and walked towards the vortex. Essence

On July 2nd, Baiquan County, Qiqihar City suffered heavy rainfall weather. According to the requirements, the police of the Communications Police Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Qiqihar City came to the low -lying section of the area to patrol. At 17 o'clock, when the police drove to the section of Yongqin Township and Xinmin Village, a middle -aged man found that he walked towards the section of the stagnant. "Danger! Come back!" The police immediately shouted to the man. I did not know that the man had disappeared, but accelerated his pace. "Always pass, stop him!" Captain Li Bao told the police that several people immediately chased to the man. "You don't want to die, there is a low terrain over there, and the water does not know how deep it is?" Li Bao said to the man. "Comrade Police, my family is still there, trapped in the water, I have to save them!" The man told the police anxiously while wiping the rain on his face. "You are too dangerous in the past, let's walk together!" After speaking, Li Bao took the team members and walked towards the deep water step by step.

The water has been deep, and the walking resistance is too great. In order to improve the speed, the police even tied their heads into the water, and the police uniforms were soaked in the way to swim. Without intensive speed, the trapped persons are dangerous at any time.

10 meters, 50 meters, and 100 meters. They raced with time and raced with life. Finally, the police rushed to the tractor while drowning the tractor in the water difference. Seeing his father and the police, the little girl seemed to relax all at once, and took the initiative to open her arms to meet the police's arms, and everyone was relieved.

After the police transferred the little girl to the safe zone, they turned to the deep water and walked to the citizens of other trapped vehicles.

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