Ask for leave?Dry exposure?There are no "night venues" in the sampling point of Leqing nucleic acid

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.04

Zhejiang News Client Editor Xiang Rui Sharing Alliance Leqing Station Lin Zhiquan

As the temperature rises, many nucleic acid sampling points have added "night venues" to launch evening services, which not only helps medical staff and citizens to avoid high temperature periods, but also solve the citizens' busy time to work during the day to make nucleic acid samples. trouble. At present, the nucleic acid sampling point continues to 22:30 at the latest.

Qinghe community nucleic acid sample convenience service points. Photo by Xu Yihan

The convenience service point of the Qinghe community nucleic acid samples is located under the cross -viaduct of Feiyunxi Road and Yuxiao Road, Chengnan Street, Yueqing City. Two sampling windows are opened. The current service time continues from 8:30 to 22:30. The delay service is convenient for many office workers. Mr. Lian, a citizen who lives in the Donghe Bauhinia Garden in Yueqing City, said that the addition of the at night sampling point allows him not to deliberately take out the working hours during the day to do nucleic acid. He is more flexible in the use of time. Mr. Zheng, a resident who lives around the surrounding communities, said that in the summer entering high temperature weather, many people like to wait for the night to cool down at night. "The sampling point delays the sampling time according to the actual situation."

Central park nucleic acid sampling convenience service point. Photo by Lin Zhiquan

The central park nucleic acid sampling convenience service point located in the northwest corner of the central park of Chengnan Street is the first nucleic acid sampling hut to be put into use in Chengnan Street. Since its use, the surrounding residents have really felt convenient. Ms. Chen is a key population, and nucleic acid testing is performed every two days. "It is too hot outside the daytime, and there is no motivation to line up with the scorching sun." Ms. Chen said with a smile. Now she can not only sample nearby, but she no longer needs to be exposed to the sun.

Ms. Feng, a citizen who lives nearby, feels the same: "When you need to do nucleic acids before, many points of the sampling time and working hours of points are conflicted. They often need to take a special leave. Not only is it hot, but also troublesome. Now the point at the door of the home door now Provide 'night service', can be available for a few minutes, saving time and saving. "

"Choosing this point to promote 'Night Service' is because the flow of people at night is relatively dense. Many residents nearby will take a walk and exercise in the park after meals." The relevant person in charge of Chengnan Street introduced, on the other hand, considering summer weather, the weather in summer Hot, citizens are waiting for heatstroke at high temperatures, and the "addition" night market can better meet the sampling needs of citizens.

It is reported that the sampling point is open every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, and the daytime period is 14:00 to 17:00. Now this point has increased from 18:00 to 21:00. According to the staff of the nucleic acid sampling point, the average daily sampling volume of this sampling point is about 1,000.

It is understood that since the test of normalized nucleic acid testing, Yueqing has opened a total of 28 night nucleic acid samples. "In order to help the nucleic acid testing 'willing to check the test', the nucleic acid sampling point of the large pharmacolic acid acid acid acid acid acid acidic acid of the Renmin Road of Renmin Road and the Feiyun Road sampling point of Chengdong Street all provides night services." The staff of Yueqing City Prevention and Control Office Class said Essence

How do citizens know the opening time and place? "Citizens only need to open the" Wenzhou Epidemic Prevention Code "small program and enter the" city nucleic acid detection point "page, and you can search for nearby nucleic acid samples." The staff of the nuclear acid specialty class introduced that "blue test tube" shows that the point is positive. Open, and "gray test tube" shows that it is not open, citizens can choose more idle nucleic acid samples according to their needs.

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