20 Revolutionary Culture Themes of Shandong Province released 9 lines involving multiple scenic spots in Linyi

Author:On Linyi Client Time:2022.07.04

On July 3rd, on June 30, 20 Shandong Revolutionary Culture Theme Line was officially released. Among these 20 revolutionary cultural themes of Shandong Province, "difficult and hardships Yu Ru Yucheng" -The CCP Shandong Provincial Party Organization Development and Gaoping Line, "send troops to Shandong" - ——The secret transportation line of the War of Resistance Against Japan, "Water and milk blends life and death" -Ti Yimeng Spiritual Line, "Good people and three lines of the Third Line" -The small third -line revolution line, "Southern Expedition and North War" -The Battle of Laiwu, the revolutionary cultural line of the Battle of Meng Liangzheng, "Museum Museum, Museum, Museum The journey of "—— the red exhibition theme line in the museum," red memory of the countryside "-The visits to the red cultural characteristic villages in Shandong," Lian Ze is prestigious "-The Shandong Integrity Education Theme Line, which involves the scenic spots in Linyi And attractions.

"Water and milk blend life and death and common" -The Yimeng spiritual line

The 20 revolutionary cultural theme lines launched this time covers most of the revolutionary sites and revolutionary museums and memorials that are open to the outside world. The selected line will connect many red resources in the province. Guide tourists to perceive the progress of the times and historical changes during the visit, draw rich nutrition from the revolutionary spirit, and condense forward power.

Lingbao Mercy Reporter 雪 Hengxue Correspondent Xu Lingwei

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