[Dr. Yin said Chinese medicine] What is Sanfu moxibustion?Who are suitable?Attach Phoenix Outpatient Clinic Sanfu Moxibustion Arrangement Form

Author:Shaoguan First People's Hospi Time:2022.07.04

Sanfu Tian appears between the summer and the summer heat. With the rise of Shaoguan's temperature festivals, various health problems have also followed, and summer heat and dampness have become the focus of our precautions. What should I do if the elderly and children in the family are in Sanfu Tian's physical discomfort? Don't worry, the winter disease of the Phoenix Outpatient Department is about to start! Everyone picks up the time!

The column of "Dr. Yin said Chinese medicine" continues to talk today:

What is Sanfu Moxibustion? Sanfu moxibustion indications and time schedule.

What is Sanfu Moxibustion?

Sanfu moxibustion is the most prosperous Sanfu Sky throughout the year. It is applied to the drug with Xinwen Tongjing to stimulate the specific acupuncture points of the human body. Through the regulation of the meridian visceral function, it has achieved Wenyang's qi and dispel the internal cold evil. effect. It is a therapy that combines medicine, acupuncture, acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

The Lingnan area has been known as the place of abuse since ancient times. Under the influence of the two famous doctors of Ge Hong and Bao Au in the Jin Dynasty, Tianxue therapy was prevailing and widely developed in the Lingnan area.

Sanfu moxibustion is the most distinctive Futian health therapy in traditional medicine in my country, which is the same as modern prevention medicine.

Which group of people are suitable for Sanfu moxibustion?

Physical deficiency and cold, allergic rhinitis, chronic bronchitis in adults and children, bronchial asthma, cough asthma, fear of cold, back cold pain, kidney deficiency and low back pain, joint cold pain, abdominal distension, diarrhea, and frequent night urine in the spleen and kidney, frequent afternoon, postpartum postpartum, postpartum after delivery Conditioning, cold pain in women's lower abdomen and so on.

What are the special treatment of winter diseases?

Sanfu Tian is the best time to warm the lungs of the lungs through the most strong climate and the most vigorous in the middle of the year. The yang of the human body can fully receive the help of Tianyang, and play a good role in regulating the function of the lungs, spleen, and kidneys to achieve cold, phlegm, nourishing the lungs, strengthening the spleen, nourishing the kidney and asthma, enhancing the body's immune effect Inhibit the allergic state of the body. Therefore, the respiratory disease has more efficiency in the treatment of the treatment of the respiratory disease in Sanfu Tian, ​​to achieve the treatment purpose of preventing and preventing the "winter disease and summer treatment of winter diseases" in winter!

The main suitable disease type of traditional moxibustion therapy:

Cytic disease -related diseases: allergic rhinitis, chronic cough (such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, allergic cough, chronic emphysema, etc.), chronic pharyngitis, deficiency people cold and other diseases.

Pain: Cervical, shoulder, waist and leg pain, knee osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tennis elbow, and chronic pain diseases.

Other categories: insomnia, chronic enteritis, indigestion, stomach pain, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, dysmenorrhea, ludeline, enuresis, etc.

Phoenix Outpatient Clinic 2022 Sanfu Tian moxibustion time

Wednesday, July 06th

Saturday, July 16th

July 26th, mid -Tuesday

On Friday, August 05 strengthened

Monday, August 15th

Sky moxibustion process

1. Open orders: Go to the Qiugong City Clinic of Country Garden to find Dr. Yin to open orders.

2. Payment: Toll Office of Phoenix Outpatient Department.

3. Paste: After the payment is successful, the treatment room of the Phoenix City Clinic is performed.


When going to the post, try to wear dark loose clothes. Women avoid wearing dresses, clothes and tight trousers. It is recommended that men wear casual clothes.

Taboo crowds 1. Pregnant women; 2. Those who are in menstrual period and many menstrual flow; 3. People with diseases (such as fever); 4. Patients with tuberculosis activity; 5. Patients with diabetes and skin ulcers. Adults generally applied for 30-50 minutes. Children's time is decreasing, such as 3-year-old children about 15-20 minutes. After the medicine is pasted, the skin generally has a local burning sensation.

City First Hospital Phoenix TCM Featured Clinic

Miaoshong Tong Meridian Mind Psychology

Dr. Yin Xiang, Phoenix Traditional Chinese Medicine Features of Phoenix City, First Hospital of Municipal Hospital

Use unique Chinese medicine treatment technology to distinguish your problems for you

Address of Phoenix Outpatient Clinic

X848, X848, Shaoguan, Shaoguan City, Shaoguan Country Garden Phoenix Commercial Plaza 111

service line


Way of reservation

Pay attention to the "Shaoguan First People's Hospital" WeChat public account can make an appointment for registration

Supply: Yin Xiang Du Xiaomei

Review: Liu Hongbin

Edit: Yang Li

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