Summary of Jiuquan Ping An Construction Work

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.06.13

[Entrusted new journey to build a new era, study and implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress]

Weaving the "Security Network" to protect the people's "Ping An Dream" -Stepliness of Jiuquan City Ping An Construction

A few days ago, the results of the assessment of the construction responsibility system of Ping An of Gansu in 2021 were announced. Jiuquan's comprehensive results ranked second in the province and won the title of "2021 Gansu Construction Excellent City (State)". This is another honor of Jiuquan City after the Ping An China Construction Commendation Conference held on December 15, 2021, Jiuquan City was named "Ping An China Construction Demonstration City (2017-2020)".

In recent years, Jiuquan City has conscientiously implemented the decision -making and deployment of the Central and Provincial Party Committee, and made every effort to maintain political security, social stability, people's peace, and clear the Internet. City and district) is the "big peace" working pattern of the fundamental aspect. Since 2017, it has been rated as "Ping An Gansu Construction Excellent City (State)" for five consecutive years; in 2019, it was identified as the contact point of the Central Political and Legal Committee; Innovative exploration of "one, four rooms and one center", "three -social linkage" and other municipal social governance experience work experience in the city are exchanged and promoted nationwide.

Improve the institutional mechanism to deepen the source governance

Jiuquan City formulated the "Opinions on Strengthening the Stability of Stability in the New Era", improved the coordination mechanism of national political security work, comprehensively prevent and resist infiltration and destruction activities, deepened the anti -terrorist anti -division struggle, and continued to consolidate major political security incidents, religious extreme events, and religious events. The "zero occurred" situation of violence terrorist incidents. The city's 170 villages (communities) successfully created no cult demonstration villages at or above the provincial level. Establish a new mechanism for stability and security in the "Trinity" major festival activities, and successfully complete the tasks of major stability maintenance. Continue to carry out the investigation and resolution of hidden dangers involving stability, and continuously strengthen the stability control of key personnel and specific interest appeal groups, and go all out to fight the endurance of the epidemic prevention and control. Formulate the Opinions of Jiuquan City on Further Strengthening the Evaluation of Social Stability Risk, and cultivate 19 "third -party" evaluation agencies on the basis of two "full coverage" to achieve scientific and standardized stability evaluation work.

Jiuquan City formulated the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Construction of the Cultivation Information Social Security Prevention and Control System in the City", and established the social security prevention and control system focusing on the "six networks" focusing on the "six networks" focusing on the "intelligent technology prevention and control network and normal public security patrol network. Essence Accelerate the construction of the "Xueliang Project", invest 192 million yuan, build a platform and sharing platform for public safety video surveillance networking monitoring of the city and counties, and build and transform urban and rural video surveillance 9894. Basically, the full coverage of video surveillance of urban and rural public parts is basically achieved. Continue to strengthen the professional patrol team, full -time comprehensive governor team, and professional emergency officer. Promote the special campaign to eliminate crime and eliminate evil, severely crack down on criminal activities of criminal violations of evil forces in accordance with the law, deeply investigate the corruption problems behind the evil forces and "protective umbrellas", strengthen special governance in key industries, and destroy 2 two -related organizations in accordance with the law. , 26 criminal groups, 41 criminal gangs involved in evil, and cracked 668 cases of black and evil cases. The key rectification of social security has achieved remarkable results.

Strengthen the safety control and control the safety line of security

In recent years, Jiuquan City has continued to strengthen public safety management and control, increase special inspections and service management of key industries, key areas, and key personnel, and maximize the prevention of various types of safety hazards. Normalization of strictly fighting and rectification, organizing and implementing special actions such as "two robbers and one theft" crime, illegal fundraising, new network pyramid schemes, crowd -involved economic crimes, telecommunications network fraud and other special actions have effectively shocked crimes, social security continues to improve better Essence In 2021, the city's criminal cases were issued 3315, a decrease of 12.67 %from 2020 and a decrease of 24.09 %from 2019; the acceptance of public security cases 6104, a decrease of 24.02 %from 2020, and a decrease of 36.5 %from 2019. Both indicators show year -on -year. Decrease trend.

Jiuquan City adheres to and develops the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, establishes the "1+N" system of social governance in the city, and explores and promotes the city's social governance model with the "one center and one network" path. The fourth -level 573 multi -functional entity operation comprehensive governance centers were carried out, and the "one -stop" petition reception, legal consultation, dispute adjustment, and legal aid, and the resolution rate of conflict and disputes remained at more than 98.5%for many years. Strengthen and innovate grass -roots social governance, establish a standardized mechanism for the management of third -level grid services in urban and rural areas. 78 townships (streets) are equipped with strong political and legal members. The grass -roots governance of autonomy, rule of law, and moral governance under the leadership of grass -roots party organizations, explore practical services "zero distance", govern "micro -resonance", and appeal "full response", strive to form a center of gravity, sinking strength, guaranteeing under protection, guarantee New pattern of urban governance under the prolonged and delayed service.

Deepen the reform of political and legal reforms to improve judicial effects

Jiuquan City has thoroughly implemented the "Regulations on Political and Law of the Communist Party of China", comprehensively strengthened the party's leadership of Ping An construction, and promoted the integration of Ping An construction into the entire process of economic and social development. Establish and improve the leadership responsibility system of party and government leadership, territorial responsibility, and departmental heads, and set up a Ping An Jiuquan Construction Leading Group with the main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and the full coverage of the industry department to improve the "one -handling and ten groups" organizations. Form the work pattern of problem -governance, work linkage, and safety. Continue to improve the long -term mechanisms such as the overall coordination and coordination of Ping An Jiuquan construction, the request report, the investigation and research, the supervision and evaluation, etc., and continuously improve the overall meeting of the leadership group, the special group promotion meeting, and the membership of the member unit liaison meeting. , Standardize the level. The construction of the Public Legal Service Center is fully covered, and 86 villages (communities) in the city are founded as the "Democratic Law Demonstration Village (Community)" at or above the provincial level. Jiuquan City continues to deepen the reform of the political and legal field, improves the system of power list, supervision and management, and punishment accountability, and continuously improves law enforcement judicial efficiency. The law and petitions involved in the law have achieved a "five -year continuous descending". Gradually regulate judicial assistance and apply for a total of 18.34 million yuan in national judicial assistance. Innovate the launch of "flexible law enforcement", "project office", "one -stop" lawsuit, cross -regional remote litigation, and public interest lawsuits. Continuously improve the supporting mechanism of law enforcement judicial supervision, establish a mechanism for lawyers to participate in law enforcement supervision, and carry out solidly conducting special actions and enforcement inspections of law enforcement and law enforcement in concentrated investigation and rectification of law enforcement judicial judicial issues. Law enforcement, justice justice, and the credibility of law enforcement judicial justice has steadily improved. Comprehensively strengthen the construction of political and legal teams, organize full coverage of political rotation training, continuously deepen the education of disciplinary style, continue to consolidate the results of the education and rectification of political and legal teams, coordinate the promotion of strictly governing the police and the preferential treatment, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the political and legal teams.

During the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, Jiuquan City will be based on the important positioning of the central city in the construction area, grasp the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, promote high -quality development, and comprehensively implement the various decisions of the central and the Provincial Party Committee's decisions Deploy, in -depth implementation of the spirit of the 14th Provincial Congress and the Fifth Party Congress of the Municipal Congress, adhere to the party's leadership and people's supremacy, adhere to the development of safety, coordinate advance Happiness and beautiful new Jiuquan contribute new power.

All media reporter Ma Xuequan correspondent Liu Xin

Editor in charge: Wei Hailing

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