Dongping County Connecting Shan Town: Carry out dynamic monitoring and assistance objects to help and improve operations

Author:Dongping County Rong Media Cen Time:2022.07.03

In order to do a good job of dynamic monitoring and assistance, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and achieve comprehensive rural revitalization, recently, Dongping County has carried out dynamic monitoring and assistance objects to help and improves. Analyze the research and judgment meeting, and comprehensively sieve the 7 households' monitoring and assistance objects.

The special working group of the Dongping County Rural Revitalization Bureau visited 7 dynamic monitoring households to check the "three guarantees and one security" in place, understand the policies and enjoyment situation, assist the responsible person for assistance, and the current difficulties and demands.

After the visit, the analysis and judgment meeting was held. At the meeting, the person in charge of the assistance introduced the income of 7 dynamic monitoring households into the monitoring and assistance. Research, find problems, and rectify problems. In response to the problems found in the concentrated home visits of this special action group, the working group hopes to establish a problem account to form a list of issues. The relevant industry departments and the person in charge of assistance should attach great importance to, active responsibility, and rectify immediately. After the problem rectification is completed, we must organize "look back" to ensure the rectification of the problem.

In the next step, connect the mountain town to the bottom line of the tree, adhere to the problem -oriented, and continue to do a real monitoring, early warning, and assistance. Villages will establish assistance accounts to sort out issues; do a good job of policies, issue policies to understand paper; focus on organizing learning, analyze and judge monthly, ensure that one household is not leaked and one person. (Correspondent: Zhao Lichen Li Qian)

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