The rain is sunny, the hydrangea is easy to get gray mold, and the green leaves become gray leaves. Hurry up and drop the leaves

Author:Xiangyang Ai Life Time:2022.07.02

The rain is sunny, the hydrangea is easy to get gray mold, and the green leaves become gray leaves. Hurry up and drop the leaves

The summer of each year is the season with the most rainfall in four seasons a year. Rainwater can promote plants on the earth to grow better. Plants that eat by the sky are necessary for rainwater. Planting can also help them grow better and bloom. Flowers breeding in outdoor outdoor, the benefits of rain in summer are still very good.

The rainwater itself is acidic, and the water is rich in trace elements. Long -term rainfall will completely pour the flower soil. At the same time, the acidic rainwater will play a role of acidified soil, which increases the transparency of the flower soil itself. The trace elements can also supplement the plant nutrients, promote the growth of plants, and bloom.

Generally speaking, rainwater is not too bad for the growth of plants. Of course, there are some disadvantages. Some plants have more tender leaves and have a lot of water content. Mold disease, many plants will suffer from gray mold in summer. The leaves of the plants are originally green. After the invasion of gray mold, the green leaves will become gray -white, just like a layer of mold.

The gray mold disease is covered on the leaves of the plant, blocking the normal photosynthetic effect of the plant leaves. The effect of germs on plants is not fatal, but the temporary time will hinder the growth of plants. Do not absorb nutrients, and the speed of growth will slow down and affect flowering.

The emergence of gray mold has a certain relationship with the humidity of the flower soil. The second is the seed spores of germs in the soil, which meet the appropriate conditions. The spores will be triggered in large quantities, which seriously affects the growth of plants.

When the plants in our family have gray mold, we must first remove all the leaves of the lesion, especially the plants that are most likely to get gray mold like hydrangea. Secondly, sprinkle a layer of sterilizer on the surface of the flower soil to avoid the outbreak of the secondary infection of coma.

Plant rainstorm is beneficial, but don't rain for a long time, especially potted flowers. The flower soil you use is not a real peat soil purchased online. There are many bacteria and grass seeds in the humus soil. In the summer when the rainwater is frequent, the humidity is high and the temperature is high, which will cause various problems.

The plant with rain should be exposed to the sun in time, and the light will accelerate the evaporation of the surface of the flower soil. At the same time, the ultraviolet strength emitted from the sunlight can effectively play a role in sterilizing and disinfection. All the sunlight must be shined at the same time. Pay attention to flowering flowers in summer. Do not let the plants soak in the rain for a long time.

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