Create a model of civilized civilization in the country | Jinyeli community "silver -haired mot

Author:Today Jinchuan Time:2022.06.13

In order to further purify the environmental sanitation of the community, on the afternoon of June 10, the "silver -haired mother -in -law" party member volunteers in Jinyeli community faced a high temperature of 31 degrees and wore red vests. Service activities.

The old people were two in groups, one was holding a water basin, one person twisted the rag, and carefully wiped the dust and stains on the promotional bar. Everyone is not dirty, tired, and not enough to get the top side of the promotional column. After more than an hour of "fighting", the promotional column restored the beautiful cleaning of the past.

At the age of 72, the 52 -year -old Blonde Court Old man is a member of the volunteer team of the "silver -haired mother -in -law" party member volunteer team. As the assembly number of the national civilized model city sounded again, the elderly were deeply relieved: "Civilization creation has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the benefits that bring people can be visible and touched. We must protect the results."

The "red housekeeper" created by the "silver -haired mother -in -law" volunteer of the Jinyeli community into a model city of civilization has always maintained the true nature of serving the people and actively devoted to community governance work. They are active in every corner of the jurisdiction. When they see the cigarette head paper scraps, they clean up in time. They find that uncivilized behaviors are discouraged in time. In a group of them, they take turns to carry out volunteer services every day to ensure that volunteer services are "continuous".

"Volunteer services are at the forefront without age. Our old party members have to stand in front of them." Captain Shi Chunmei's words were simple and simple, but they were loud. The old party members of the "Silver Hair" volunteer service team practiced the spirit of volunteer service with practical actions and interpreted the original mission of serving the people for the people.

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