They regard the residents of the community as their own family, and "knock on the door" saved the lives of the eighty -year -old people

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.02

Changjiang Daily's Wuhan client July 2nd News Recently, Zhang Yong, deputy director of the Huda Community, Xujiazhuang Street, Xujiazhuang District, Wuchang District, often goes to the hospital to visit the elderly Ma Qingying. The residents told the Yangtze River Daily that fortunately Zhang Yong went to knock on the old man's house three times in a row and sent the old man to the hospital for rescue in time to avoid a tragedy.

84 -year -old Ma Qingying lives in 16 districts in three districts, and children work in other places. In response to the situation where the elderly and empty nest elderly people are living in the jurisdiction, the Huga community has been carrying out the "knocking operation" in recent years. Each community worker paired with multiple elderly people and came to care about the lives and safety of the elderly every day. Ma Qingying is Zhang Yong's pairing old man.

On the morning of June 24th, Zhang Yong called Ma Qingying, ready to ask the elderly's physical condition that day, and told her to go out and go out. However, the phone was not turned on, so Zhang Yong came to knock on the door, but did not respond in the room.

In the afternoon, Zhang Yong knocked on the door again. At that time, because the sound of the door was too loud, Mr. Sun, the neighbor next door, was attracted. Zhang Yong recalled: "I told Teacher Sun at the time that he asked him to help me pay attention to the situation of Grandma Ma's house at night." By the evening, Zhang Yong contacted Teacher Sun to learn that Ma Qingying's family still had no movement.

It was difficult to sleep overnight. On June 25, although it was Saturday, Zhang Yong still rushed to the community from the home far away in Baishazhou, and once again sounded Ma Qingying's house. At this time, no one opened the door, and the mobile phone was shut down. Zhang Yong immediately called "110". After the locksmith opened the door, I found that the old man was unconscious on the bedroom floor. Zhang Yong hurriedly called "120" and sent the old man to the hospital to rescue with the doctor.

Zhang Yong (middle) helped the hospital in the hospital.

"If you come for another hour later, the elderly may not be able to rescue." The doctor responsible for the rescue was fortunate. Zhang Yong and Director Zhang Yunqiao, Zhang Yunqiao, and others were busy in the hospital. They went through the formalities, paid fees, asked nurses, and took care of the elderly. They left until 9 pm. After rescue treatment, Ma Qingying finally woke up, and her physical condition was stable. The old man recalled that he had a bad stomach that day, and he might be because of dehydration and physical strength.

Zhang Yong went to the hospital to visit the old man.

Since then, Zhang Yong took the time to visit Ma Qingying every day, and Ma Qingying's son Deng Yuexing also sent him a Jinqi. Deng Yuexing said: "Thanks to the community workers in these years to take care of my mother, thank Director Zhang for discovery in time and let my mother turn in crisis."

The old man's son sent the flag to Zhang Yong (second from left).

It is understood that the "knocking on the door" has been carried out in the Huga community for four or five years. Community workers must ensure that they contact the old man every day. In addition to daily greetings, when the elderly have the needs of buying vegetables, buying medicines, picking up money, community workers also Will help the elderly to complete in time.

In fact, Zhang Yong himself is also a 65 -year -old man. He said: "The" knocking on the door "knocked on not only the door, but also opened the door of the residents and built the door of healthy guardians. Community residents will serve as their own parents. I hope to wait for me to get old. This kind of care can be inherited. More people care about the elderly in the community. "

As soon as the interview ended, Zhang Yong's phone rang again. His pairing old man and an 88 -year -old grandfather wanted to withdraw money. Zhang Yong said: "Although they are all trivial and trivial matters, they are all concerned about residents. We must do things that the masses are big and small." Zhang Yong hurriedly rushed to the electric car.

(Changjiang Daily reporter Qin Liuwei Correspondent Wu Di Wang Wei)

【Edit: Ding】

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