\"No. 39 Video\" will officially enter the Mei flood season from Zhejiang on June 10. Th

Author:Quick Wenzhou Time:2022.06.10

Wenzhou Meteorological Observatory released at 9:55 on June 10, 2022 issued a blue warning signal of heavy rain in Wenzhou City: Affected by the low -level cutting line, it is expected to be in the next 12 hours of Lucheng District, Ouhai District, and Longwan District.Dark shower, local heavy rain.Tomorrow's weather will be slightly better, cloudy to overcast, and some shade will show rain.From the day after tomorrow, a new round of strong precipitation will be ushered in. It is expected that this wave of rain will last longer, and there will still be various rain and rain in the middle of next week.

Source: Quickly Winzhou APP

Editor of the preliminary trial: Zheng Mingzhe

Responsible editor: Gu Yitong

Audit officer: Peng Yongtang

Director of the producer: Chen Tai rise

Preparation: Wu Xiaoguo Shaohua

Director: Chen Zhenshi

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