District leaders carry out "July 1" visit to condolences

Author:Shangcheng Published Time:2022.07.01

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party, in the past few days, Zhang Yan, Hui Haitao, Zhan Renyi, Huang Aifang, Wang Wenshuo and other four sets of team leaders led the team to visit the old party members and party members of their lives in separate ways, and sent them the blessings and blessings and the festivals. kind regards.

On the day of the "July 1st", Zhang Yan, the secretary of the district party committee, came to Hubin Street to visit and condolences the retired cadre, the old party member Qu Hongxiu, and Yuan Liyun, a difficult party member. In Qu Hongxiu's house, Zhang Yan heard the old man recalling the years of fighting against the United States and aid North Korea, and an unforgettable memory of working in the streets and district departments. Zhang Yan thanked him for his contribution to the development of the entire district and Hubin, and said that the old party members were the valuable wealth of Shangcheng. We must vigorously study and carry forward the glorious tradition and good style of old party members. Happy and beautiful. "What is the physical condition now?" "What are the difficulties?" When I came to Yuan Liyun's house, Zhang Yan asked about her physical condition and living conditions, and sent condolences and condolences to the elderly. Essence Zhang Yan told the streets and community cadres to come to the door and move around, with feelings and responsibilities, implement the policy benefiting the people, do their best to help solve practical difficulties, and send the care and warmth of the party committee and government to everyone's hearts. inside.

Hui Haitao, deputy secretary of the district party committee and district chief, came to Xiaoying Street to visit Shan Yuewei, who was in trouble, and sent the party organization to care and festival blessings. Hui Haitao learned in detail Shan Yuewei's physical condition and family situation, and told him to take care of the body to pay attention to heatstroke prevention, continue to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and the nature of the Communist Party members, and have difficulty to report to the party organization in a timely manner. He requested that the streets and communities should put the safety and warmth of the old party members on their hearts, grasp them, listen to their opinions and suggestions, pay more attention to their actual needs, take care of them more, and care about them. , Strive to build a better living environment and service quality through the "Happy Neighborhood".

Zhan Renyi, secretary and director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, came to Xijiadong Village, Zhaomou Street to condolences to difficulties. In Ding Xiaoling's house in the difficult party, Zhan Renyi talked to the elderly to promote his knees, thanking her for many years of hard work, and sincerely hoped that she would take advantage of her body to take advantage of her body and play a good role in the party members. Dedicate more pragmatic strategies. Zhan Renyi also requires street cadres to care more about and take care of party members in daily life, implement relevant policies in place, and timely solve the problems that they can do for them.

Huang Aifang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the CPPCC, came to Qingbo Street to visit the difficulties and pairs of difficulties. Difficult party members Zhan Taoying, while taking care of the sick family, also insisted on actively participating in community volunteer services. Huang Aifang encouraged her to continue to play the true nature of the party members who "retirement and not fading" and exert their heat for community construction. Among the pairing difficulties Zhang Weiqin, Huang Aifang learned about her daily life in detail, encouraged her to actively face life, and told the streets and communities to be assured of the family who had no sense of responsibility at all times to care for families with difficulties in life and help solve practical problems.

Wang Wenshuo, deputy secretary of the district committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, went to Kaixuan Street and Jiubao Street to visit the old party members Ma Xiangsheng and the difficult party members of the party, asked the elderly's physical and living conditions, and told them to take care of their bodies, keep their bodies and minds, and face optimism. Life, and requires the streets and communities to effectively help solve the anxiety in their lives.

Other district leaders also led their teams to visit and condolences respectively.

Source 丨 District Rong Media Center

Photography 丨 Mo Xiaoping, etc.

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