[Follow] The United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee went to Kangding to carry out fixed -point assistance and "new" heart -to -party theme activities

Author:Tongxin Sichuan Time:2022.07.01

In order to build a series of decisions and deployment of the Chinese nation's community and implement the central government's comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization strategies. From June 29th to 30th, Chen Wu, deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, led a "assistant team" composed of the new level of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Taiwan Federation, and the Provincial New Federation. Fixed -point assistance and research. The Deputy Governor of the People's Government of the State and the president of the State Zhixin Association, Shiro, holding Ji, Xiang Feng, deputy minister of the State Party Committee, Li Shangqian, deputy secretary of the Kangding Municipal Party Committee, and comrades from relevant state and municipal units to participate in the event.

The working group successively investigated the development of the rural rejuvenation work in Laidenba Village, Lauba Township, Kangding City and the construction of the national unity park project of Jianyi Village, Xinduqiao Town. The model of raising, self -construction, and self -management ", vigorously developed tourism characteristic industries, continuously expanded the channels for increasing farmers and herdsmen, and fully affirmed the annual annual income of the village. At the same time, the Provincial New Federation issued 44,000 yuan of "inspirational" scholarships for 20 students with excellent academic science and studies, and promised to support scholarships from the two villages each year until the end of 176,000 yuan. 20 help the elderly and the disabled donated 40,000 yuan to condolences; Yibin New Federation donated 10,000 yuan in sports goods; love enterprise Xingsheng Electric Co., Ltd. donated 30,000 yuan in school supplies, Sichuan Jinguan Greening Engineering Co., Ltd. The company donated a condolences of 16,000 yuan to two dynamic monitoring households.

The working group also held a symposium on the work of rural rejuvenation in Kangding City to help Kangding City. At the meeting, Ren Qingwangjia, member of the Standing Committee of the Kangding Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, introduced the development of the United Front Work of Kangding City. Yang Lin, deputy mayor of the Kangding Municipal Government, introduced the development of the rural rejuvenation of Kangding City. Help work and new people to help rural revitalization work. Song Dynasty Xuexue, Vice President of the Provincial New Federation, and Deng Jigang, president of Yibin New Federation, respectively.

Chen Wu fully affirmed the effective connection of Kangding City's consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization. He pointed out that rural rejuvenation is a long -term system project. It is necessary to fully combine the actual situation of Kangding and always implement the consciousness of the Chinese community of the Chinese nation and the road of green ecology. It is necessary to tell the story of Kangding, express Kangding's historical legends, humanistic anecdotes, customs, and beautiful scenery in appropriate ways and spread it, and translate it into valuable resources that can cultivate brands. We must be good at integrating resources, in a way that conforms to the laws of market economy, guide social forces to participate together, and form a continuous internal development driving force. To pay attention to accurate docking, there is a relationship between supply and demand in Kangding City and the Provincial New Federation. The United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee will do a good job of matching and bridge, so that the two parties will fully understand their own needs and platforms and jointly promote rural revitalization and development. To cultivate the driving subject, Kangding City should pay attention to discovering and cultivating the driving subject, focusing on leaders, building subjects, and driving subjects with the same frequency resonance. It is necessary to build a business environment, ensure that the market entities and enterprises that come to Kang development can make reasonable and profitable, build a good reputation, cultivate a sound market economy development model, allow more enterprises to develop development, and allow more people to live and work in peace.

(Supply for the new level)

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