Air China Kaifei 828 Class 828 welcomes the Chengdu Civil Aviation Summer, and 61,000 passengers enter and exit Hong Kong in two games

Author:Listening to FM Time:2022.07.01

On July 1, Air China was released on the Chengdu Civil Aviation Summer Flight Plan. During the summer, Air China increased investment around the hot market. It plans to arrange 828 flights in Chengdu Shuangliu and Tianfu two games to enter and exit Hong Kong, and increase the number of passengers in overtime to meet the needs of summer passengers.

During the 2022 summer, Air China made a wide -body model to Chengdu, and allocated 3 air passenger A330 passenger aircraft from the headquarters to support the Chengdu base. At that time, Air China will invest 23 wide -body passenger aircraft around the Chengdu market every day. Relying on the advantages of the wide -body aircraft, Air China plans to add 124 flights to the four trunk flights of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Lhasa, and Urumqi, respectively. Class. In terms of international and regional routes, Air China Southwest Branch has invested in the Airbus A330 aircraft to fly to Chengdu Shuangliu to Singapore and Kathmandu. Sixth round -trip flight.

During the summer transport, Air China ’s overtime capacity focuses on plateau routes and tourist routes. It is planned to be in Chengdu Double Stream — Bangda Zengfei 138 times. - Xiamen Zengfei 56 times.

In 2022, the summer transportation coincides with the first anniversary of the navigation of Chengdu Tianfu International Airport. The Air China Southwest Branch plans to fly into Xinjiang routes, 124 flights in Tianfu, Chengdu, Yinning, and the transportation capacity of tourism routes in the province. Fly 24 shifts. Tianfu Airport ’s flight volume is a major feature of this year. The Air China Southwest Branch will successively restore hot cities and tourism routes such as Chengdu Tianfu to Wuyi Mountain, Boao, Lianyungang, Hengyang, Hangzhou, Zhangjiajie, Lanzhou, Shenyang.

Reporter Wang Huan

Picture based on Air China Southwest Branch

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