"The party lesson is lectured": infiltrate the human heart, "calcium supplementation soul"

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.01

The party flag fluttered at the grassroots level 丨 "The party class has lectured": infiltrate the human heart, "calcium supplementation soul"

Xinhua News Agency, Harbin, July 1st: "The party class has a lecture": infiltrate people's hearts, "calcium supplementation soul"

Xinhua News Agency reporter Yan Rui, He Shan

"At the age of 22, I joined the Eighth Route Army to resist Japan, and also participated in the Liaoning and Shen Battle, Pingjin Battle, and the United States and aid the DPRK. We fought for more than 30 hours. Before the instructor was sacrificed, he told me" Xiao Wu. Bad forward, strive to join the party ', I invite him to rest assured ... "

In September 2021, Wu Jinlong, a 96 -year -old party of 96 -year -old party, Wu Jinlong, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, affectionately told the story of his warfare in the war of war and reclaiming food in peace. The Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee made the speech of the elderly into a provincial -level boutique party lesson, which caused party members and cadres to resonate.

Dong Shuqi, deputy secretary of the party committee and mayor of Zhalong Town, Tiefeng District, Qiqihar City, was very moved by the party class. "Wu Laohe's wife always silently funded difficult college students. He believes that‘ as a cadre, we ca n’t take the people to take a line and one line, and we ca n’t ask ’. This is the image of a good cadre around us.”

In the past 4 years, the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee has continuously innovated the form of party lectures, and high -quality planning and promoting the "party lesson" and "I am a party lecturer" activity, promoting party classes to enter the studio hall, red education base, fields, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings Community, production front lines and other places have changed the model of "one person, one table, one talk to the end".

Except for the party's party secretary as a party lecturer, the heads of the provincial government agencies, enterprises and institutions in Heilongjiang, and the county party committee secretary and grassroots party members can go to the podium to talk about examples and successful practice. "In the past few years, the situation of" leading cadres took the lead, advanced exemplary lectures, and ordinary party members rushed to speak '. Lu Bo, director of the Provincial Party Member Education Center, said.

"Finding Red Seal Ceremony for Centennial Style" and other venues such as "Interactive Teaching+Scenario reproduction" of red history, "paying tribute to the heroes of the heroes" and other venues on -site teaching party lessons, "Promoting the spiritual forging of craftsmanship" big country "and so on Large -scale stage scene drama party lessons ... A series of party classes with rich content and diverse forms have infected the majority of party members. Jiang Rui, director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Member Education Center Network and the New Media Division, said: "What the times need, what the career requires, what the party members call, we will talk about it, start with the slight changes in the experienced, from the key trivial issues that everyone pays attention to. ","

The reporter learned that in recent years, the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee has worked in the "cloud" to develop and build a "party lesson to open a lecture" network reporting management system. Restriction, promote party education from "limited learning" to "wide coverage".

"Live" party lessons infiltrate people's hearts. "I did not expect that a 30 -minute" Cloud Party Class "had more than 45 million views." Zhang Shichang, a teacher of ideological and political courses in Harbin Institute of Technology, said that speaking and talking about the party lesson will inspire strong forge -ization forces.

For more than 4 years, the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee has organized 400,000 party lessons to lecture on the "party lesson" carrier, and the total number of online platform views has exceeded 187 million. Xue Juan, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xiangyang District, Xiangyang District, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, said: "We now have a unspecified study 'gas station', and we can also communicate and interact with the speaker."

"We have promoted the" party lesson opening lecture "activity of the" party class lecture "activity and long -term development. Party education has transformed into a motivation for progress and practical results. "Feng Hailong, executive deputy director of the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, said that it will continue to make new aspects of content, teaching methods, and communication methods. "Calcium supplement the soul" for party members.

【Edit: Tian Boqun】

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