Reporter tracking 丨 Why did the electromechanical market pull out power after get off work? Time:2022.07.01

Pomegranate/Xinjiang Daily reporter Hu Damin

"After the market is out of get off work, we will stop power. Sometimes our merchants are busy. In the evening, we will add a class. After finishing the contract, the power outage is stopped. On June 24th, Ms. Ma leaves a message on" Pomegranate Cloud 12345 Ask Guan " The board reflects that the power outage of Xinjiang Asia -China Mechanical and Electrical Market after get off work will bring inconvenience to the merchants, hoping that the market manager will resume power after get off work.

Xinjiang Yazhong Mechanical and Electrical Market is located on both sides of the Urumqi High -tech Industrial Development Zone (New City). On June 27, the reporter came to the market and saw Ms. Ma who reflected the problem. She told reporters that she has been selling electrical and electrical in the market for more than 4 years, and normal power supply has been normalized a few years ago. "Generally, the power outage is 9:30 in the evening, and the call will be called until 9:30 the next day. It is very inconvenient to add a class in the evening."

At 9:30 on the evening of June 27, after get off work from Xinjiang Asia -China Mechanical and Electrical Markets, the market was uniformly pulled out of power. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Hu Damin, Hu Damin

In the market comprehensive zone, the reporter saw the merchant Lin Fang. He told reporters that two years ago, the market was uniformly disconnected after get off work. The merchants have repeatedly reported to the market managers and relevant departments. Later , "But since the beginning of last year, after get off work, the power was stopped again."

On the same day, the reporter waited at 9:30 pm in Xinjiang Asia -China Mechanical and Electrical Market. At this time, the electromechanical market merchants were off work to uniformly stop business in the market and pull out power.

During the interview, some merchants also expressed their understanding of power outages after get off work. "There is basically no customers in the market at night. Although the market manager's power failure has caused inconvenience to the merchants, we understand that we can also understand the market security considerations." Mr. Liu said.

Regarding the merchants reporting the power outage after get off work, the reporter came to Xinjiang Asia -China Mechanical and Electrical Market Manager and Xinjiang Asia -China Mechanical and Electrical Sales Rental Co., Ltd. to interview. Jiang Hailong, deputy general manager of the company, explained that the city closed the market and unified power outage at night to prevent hidden fire safety hazards.

At 9:30 in the evening of June 27, after the closure of the merchants closed off work, the market was uniformly pulled out of power after closing the door. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Hu Damin, Hu Damin

Jiang Hailong told reporters that there are more than 1,300 merchants in the market. Earlier, some merchants lived in, living, even cooking and using high -power electrical appliances. "Our market has been built for a long time, and many wires have been aging. Merchants have violated relevant regulations at night. Electricity is also for market security considerations. "

"We are the mechanical and electrical market. Customers basically come to buy electromechanical during the day, and rarely buy mechanical and electrical after get off work. Therefore, after 9:30 in the evening, there are basically no customers." Jiang Hailong said that if the merchants really need night at night at night Overtime can apply to the staff on duty. After filling in the overtime application form, the market can temporarily supply power to the merchants who work overtime.

At 10 pm on June 27, after get off work, Xinjiang Asia -Chinese Mechanical and Electrical Markets were uniformly pulled out of power, and there was no longer electricity in the market sales hall. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Hu Damin, Hu Damin

Regarding the explanation of the market manager, the merchants questioned that if there are hidden safety hazards because of the aging wires, the market can replace the line. "If someone is found to live and use high -power electrical appliances in the shop during the inspection, it can be punished in accordance with the rules and regulations of the market manager, instead of taking the power output at night." Ms. Ma Ms. Ma said that as for the night application for overtime power supply, the procedure is very troublesome There are many requirements and more restrictions.

Regarding the unified power outage of the merchants after the management of Xinjiang Asia -China Mechanical and Electrical Markets, Lu Sisi, a lawyer of the Xinjiang State Law Firm, said that although the starting point of the market manager is for the sake of the market, there is no right to power the merchants without authorization. "The company called the company that the merchant calls the market manager is actually the role of property management services." Lu Sisi said that in accordance with Article 44 of the newly revised "Regulations on Property Management", in the property management area , Gas supply, heating, communication, cable television and other units shall charge relevant fees from end users. "The merchant paid the electricity bill, and it had a power supply contract relationship with the power supply company. The power supply company should supply normal power. Only the merchant violated the relevant contract regulations, and the power supply company had the right to power out. Power supply. "

The reporter again contacted Jiang Hailong about the question of the merchant and the lawyer's statement. He said that the market closed market -to -market power outage is a market management behavior, which is not contradictory with relevant laws and regulations. As for the aging of the wires and punishing the illegal merchants in accordance with the market rules and regulations, it is a problem of market management.

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