Important reminder!Today, Shenyang City is in the middle of heavy rain!The main rainfall time is ...

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.01

Please pay attention to Shenyang people

It's raining again today

And it is heavy rain!

Shenyang Meteorological Observatory this morning at 8 am

The latest weather forecast

It is expected that from the day of the day to night, heavy rain in the urban area of Shenyang, with an average precipitation of 15-30 mm, and local areas may reach 40 mm. Other areas are small to medium rain, with an average precipitation of 8-15 mm. The local area may reach 25 mm.During the precipitation process, it may be accompanied by strong convective weather such as lightning, short -term precipitation, and short -term wind.

The main precipitation period in the urban area is: 16:00 from 16 to 20 and 2 to 8:00.

Starting this morning

Shenyang has also released a number

Meteorological early warning signal

It is worth noting

Shenyang may appear today

Strong convection weather

Then you know the strong convection weather

What disasters will cause?

Not much to say

Let's go home earlier today!

Source: Shenyang Meteorological and Emergency Management Department Publicity and Education Center

Source: Shenyang Evening News

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