Come to Xian Tao next Friday!The 3rd Jingchu Rural Cultural Tourism Festival opened

Author:Yangtze River Time:2022.06.30 (Xueji reporter Bao Meng Correspondent Ewen Travel) The third Jingchu Rural Cultural Tourism Festival will start on July 8th in Xiantao, Hubei, for two days. The event was hosted by the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the People's Government of Xiantao City, and hosted by the Hubei Provincial Museum of Art and the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Xiantao City.

During the Tourism Festival, 8 exciting activities are arranged, including the colorful and lively "village tour" to catch up with the Great Collection, the exhibition of dance exhibitions of mass square dances in the three provinces of Hunan, Hunan, Hunan, Hunan and Jiangxi, "Village Tour" experts from the big V celebrity, and the provincial linkage " A variety of activities such as the signing and distribution ceremony of the Village Tour "Tour of the Village Tour, allowing tourists to enjoy a one -stop" feast "of tourism and entertainment.

01 "Village Tour" rushing to the big set

17 cities and prefectures and major cultural and tourism companies, 100 high -quality cultural and creative products, agricultural and sideline special products, and tourist attractions in the booths, and reproduce the lively and fun of traditional rural markets, so that tourists can buy a happy time at a time Intersection Digital art brigades empower the rural revitalization sector, and you can also see the latest black technology. There are also live live rooms and many Internet celebrities for free experience.

02 "Village Tour" Youpin Preferential Shopping Season

The audience who cannot go to the scene can also enjoy the benefits of the Jingchu Rural Cultural Tourism Festival. The one -month "village tour" excellent preferential shopping season will be launched during the same period during the Jingchu Rural Cultural Tourism Festival. More than a hundred categories of rural gifts will be brought home.

03 Rural Tent Music Festival

Either sitting around the bonfire singing and dancing, or lying on the lawn to count the stars, or drill into a tent to read books and listen to music, enjoy the romantic carnival under the summer star!

04 light and shadow show

Walking in the town, watching the lights, fashionable and dynamic, dreaming.

05 Puyang Folk Song Tournament

Miking folk songs, colorful folk customs, feel different rural culture.

06 "Non -legacy Party Grace Thousands of People inheritance" 沔 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 活动

Paper and cut a knife, experience the colorful fingertips art, and inherit red culture.

Xian Tao not only has scenery, but also food. "Three steamers and nine buckles, ten bowls, do not go to a steamer," Xian Tao steamed vegetables are tender and soft, light and soft, and it is a good heart of many people.

07 Liyang San Steamed Food Festival

Show the "Sanyang Three Steamed" food culture, and feel the original and not greasy fairy steamed vegetables.

The first steam cage ceremony in 08 days

This time it will be the world's largest steamer to open a cage. Visitors will also taste the world's largest scutellaria steaming banquet. Don't miss it!

This summer, come to Xiantao,

Towards Jingchu together, meet beauty!

【Edit: Lu Shichang】

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