Taizhou Road Bridge "Little Tong Meng" is a green guard, and the garbage classification starts with me

Author:Luqiao District Women's Feder Time:2022.06.30

Garbage classification

Start from me

Protect the environment from me

In order to further promote the classification of garbage, vigorously promote the good living habits of energy conservation and emission reduction, and to improve their best, and improve the strong atmosphere of the entire people's participation in garbage classification. Recently, the Luqiao Classification Office and the District Women's Federation and Fengjiang Street jointly carried out " Low -carbon life Green Jianfeng River "theme publicity activities.

"There are four barrels of garbage classification, blue -green, red and gray should be distinguished; large blue barrels can be recycled, turning waste into treasure color ..." At the event scene, the garbage sorting in the mouth of the lunar order was made to keep the children on the scene in mind How to classify the garbage, volunteers also explained how common domestic garbage was classified, and the knowledge of waste utilization and waste into treasure.

Subsequently, with the help of the school teacher, the volunteers of the scarmers used the form of the brochure album, the exhibition board, and other forms to carry out a special sign language version of the family green environmental protection knowledge lecture, advocating everyone to practice energy conservation and emission reduction, low -carbon life Starting from the small things around you, use less paper, save once, reduce the production of garbage, and put the garbage classification to jointly build a beautiful campus.

In the next stage, the Women's Federation of the Luqiao District will continue to launch the women's federations at all levels to better cooperate with the garbage classification work, further do a good job of all kinds of garbage classification, carry out various forms of garbage classification theme activities, and strengthen the waste of the women's federation organization about garbage between garbage. The study and exchanges of classification work, continuously do the quality and quality improvement of garbage classification, and lead the new style of low -carbon life in garbage classification.

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