For more than 20 years, he has been a patient's "moon" and even "the sun"

Author:Rizhao News Network Time:2022.06.30

Facing the early morning, Gao Yueliang, deputy chief physician of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Xihu Town, Donggang District, drove to work 20 kilometers as usual. "The people in the village are getting earlier, and sometimes there are many patients. I arrived at the unit at five in the morning." Gao Yueliang was already accustomed to the living state of getting up early and late.

For more than 20 years, he has rooted in the grass -roots township health centers. Gao Moon has always treated the work with "rigorous", treats patients with "sincerity", and serves the masses with "enthusiastic". He is a family doctor of the patient and his family and friends.

Before the work time, the villagers waiting for treatment in the treatment room of Gao Yueliang lined up. "There is still a needle immediately, and persist again." Once you are busy, Gao Yueliang always runs back and forth between several clinic rooms, and on average, he has to treat dozens of patients a day. Gao Yueliang is good at acupuncture and Chinese medicine therapy. Patients with cerebral blood vessels and waist and leg pain are keen to find this medical doctor who is superior to others.

"Grassroots people work for a long time. After a certain age, many people face common diseases such as cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, periarthitis, knee inflammation. In recent years, our Chinese medicine equipment has been constantly updated, and the more traditional Chinese medicine technology has also become the more The more superb, the patients thought of using traditional Chinese medicine for the first time, and even more agreed with TCM. This is what we Chinese medicine people want to see. "Gao Yueliang remembered the situation of just coming to Xihu Town Health Center. At that time, the villagers at that time He didn't recognize Chinese medicine acupuncture, but he worked sincerely and healed many patients with serious illnesses. As the patient's praise of him was ten or ten, more and more people in the surrounding areas came to find a medical treatment.

Gao Yueliang always did his best to help the patient. He was anxious to be anxious. What he thought of the patient thought that the patient evaluated him: not only the bright ‘moon’, but also the warm ‘sun’. He knows that the villagers often worry about costs when they see a doctor. To this end, each square and every needle of him will maximize the treatment effect while saving costs for patients.

"Doctors not only have to talk to disease, but also do well in services and be friends who have trusted patients." Faced with patients, he was patient and used to use the "Tai Chi" method to resolve the small contradictions that appeared.

During the diagnosis and treatment, many patients with warmth and warmth became his "fans". In 2021, the Moon Gao received the "Shandong Grassroots Traditional Chinese Medicine Title".

"Seeing the villagers after my treatment and eliminating the pain, it is the meaning of my persistence." Gao Yueliang honestly said, "The trust of the patient is the biggest encouragement. In order to not bear trust, I have to continue to improve the medical skills and do my job. Let the people feel at ease and feel comfortable."

At five in the afternoon, Gao Yueliang, who had worked a day, returned to the office to sort out the patient's medical records for a day. Before a few pages, he received a call from the patient. "Don't worry, just treat it on time ..." Hanging the phone, Gao Yueliang said with a smile, "There are often patients who are afraid of getting sick, which is normal. They can be relieved. The grass -roots doctors are serving the people. "After that, Gao Moon lowered his head and continued to work ... (Rizhao Newspaper All Media Reporter Fang Zichen)

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