I never expected that the follow -up of the Tangshan case was like this ...

Author:Ten o'clock reading Time:2022.06.30

Recently, you can enter the word "Tangshan" on the Internet, and you will see such remarks:

"There is no place to travel in this place, I will not go to Tangshan in this life!"

"Here are all corrupt and corrupt people, there are quite a lot of bad people, really !!!"

There are still many people who run to give a message from the short video of Tangshan and ask him:

"Do you feel ashamed because you are so many things?"

What's more, even using a large earthquake to curse the people of Tangshan.

Including the previous barbecue shop owner.

After the incident, many people went to her door to sorrow and send wreaths. Someone wrote swear words at the door of her shop, and even urinated in public.

And there are many people who keep harassing her day and night, which seriously affects her normal life.

Even now, she said specifically that she was fifty or sixty years old, and she tried her best to pull the shelf, but such remarks still failed to stop.

All kinds of remarks are sad to see people.

Unexpectedly, after half a month of the Tangshan beating incident, we failed to wait for the perpetrators to be sanctioned, and we could not see that the evil forces were beaten up by the net.

When you come, the innocent Tangshan people are violent, curse, curse ...

And they have not done things that hurt the world, just because their ancestors live in this city, but they have lived a real life, but now they are treated like this.

Why do they have it?

How are they innocent?

Shouldn't this practice really be stopped from the evil behavior of several people to a whole city?

And this practice has happened too many times.

Earlier, because of some things, people excluded Henan people.

Some people in Henan said that they have come to many places over the years and have heard many people say that Henan people are bad.

Looking at Henan people wearing colored glasses, it seems that it has never stopped signs of stopping.

But just yesterday, a bus in Shanghai broke out of the traffic light and fell into the river. It was a guy named Zhou Zhenkui jumping into the river decisively, breaking the window and entering the bus. Rescue.

The moment he jumped into the river, he didn't know how many people in the car and what happened.

He said: Salvation is a subconscious response. If you consider too much, it will delay the best time to rescue the person in the car.

This little brother is also from Henan.

A while ago, there were also media reports that the number of winners in Henan was the largest in the commendation of the country's "seeing righteousness for the work model".

But these seem to be neglected by our selectivity.

Later, because of some things, people vilified the Northeast.

Some Northeast people left the soil and found that they had already been labeled with "no quality".

However, as the epidemic in Shanghai was the worst, Liaoning was transferred overnight to send supplies, distributed it in a small packaging overnight, and distributed overnight cold chains.

Send 2300 tons of living materials to Shanghai.

You know, the epidemic in the three east provinces is also very severe, and Dandong, Liaoning, has just been unblocked these days.

But when Shanghai was in trouble, they still left good things to Shanghai.

This is also our northeast compatriots.

In the Winter Olympics, which had just ended a while ago, Wu Dajing pushed Ren Ziwei up as soon as he grabbed the best position because of his physical strength and grabbed the best position to allow him to replace himself for glory for the country.

The phrase "You win, I don't lose", which moved all the Chinese.

They trained hard and were injured, so as to stand on the highest podium and watch the flag rising because of themselves.

But in front of the righteousness of the motherland, they regardless of gains and losses. They would rather abandon themselves and save this honor.

They are also Northeast.

Wu Dajing was born in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province.

Ren Ziwei was born in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province.

Later, the regional black remarks spread to more provinces.

It seems that as long as there are malignant incidents in this place, the people here will be labeled "bad" and "evil".

But I think it ’s strange. Why do people rarely define this city and province because of a person or a good deeds of a group of people.

But because of the violence of several people, because of certain malignant events, do you implement cyber storms in a city?

If such a trend spreads, will such cyber storms happen one day to you and me?

After the case of Tangshan, many people appealed:

The wrong thing is that it is not this city. Sorry for such a bad person to appear in Tangshan. This group of scumes should be condemned and abused, not Tangshan and men. Li Dazhao, Cao Xueqin, and Zhao Lirong are also from Tangshan. Please do not prefer.

At the same time, when I was talking about Tangshankou on the Internet, I saw a weak figure.

There is a girl who leaves a message under the Weibo that degrades Tangshan.

She said again and again:

There are so many people in each city, not everyone is a bad person, nor is everyone is a good person.

Don't negate a city because of a person who do something wrong.

Everyone loves their hometown deeply, and I don't want to see so many people to slander my city.

Although her voice is weak, she also represents the wish of some Tangshan people.

Their city was ashamed because of 9 thugs, and they were obviously the saddest people.

Her approach reminds me of Li Yulin.

At the Tangshan earthquake that year, his head was smashed out of blood and his shoulders were smashed. But after he climbed out, he looked at the land that was almost flat. The first thing he did was to make every way to let the outside world know the situation of Tangshan.

When the communication was interrupted, he drove a mine ambulance to Beijing.

On this way, he, together with the pedestrians, was barefoot, wearing only big pants, driving hard, and only thinking about reporting as soon as possible to save people as soon as possible.

After the report, they returned home and couldn't help crying.

Li Yulin's child, 14 relatives of his parents, are gone. His wife blame him: "Where do you run, why not save people!" His sisters have not been able to rescue his parents until now.

And his companion Cui Zhiliang, they passed by his house while driving, but did not stop. After returning from Beijing, he found that his lover and child died ...

They are also people from Tangshan. At the juncture of life and death, Tangshan people only want to save others' lives.

And Li Dazhao, which we are all familiar with.

In that turbulent era, he was a Professor of Peking University, who was able to get 240 oceans every month. It stands to reason that his life will be very good.

But in the country, he donated almost all savings to support revolution and funded youths.

When he was sent to the twisted rack, his home was poor, and even the coffin money was also made up for 5 years.

He is also from Tangshan, but he is willing to use the flesh to spread the road of the latecomers.

So far.

Tangshan, which was discussed by too many people, also moved us.

When the epidemic in 2020 was the worst, in Tangshan, some shops posted a "Free Eating" notice at the door, hoping to give those who were in despair for a meal and warmth.

An old man fainted after falling from the garbage truck.

The people around you were at a loss.

A retired nurse who wasolated at home saw that he first guided the surrounding viewers how to rescue himself across the window, and then called the community to ask for rescue.

After receiving the consent, she ran towards the old man.

People said that the old man fainted, but he fainted in front of the angel's house.

There was a tricycle that accidentally fell into the puddle.

When the tricycle was shaking, he was about to turn on the side, and the passersby immediately stopped to help him.

They were raining, helped to launch a tricycle, and sent him to leave safely, and then separated.

There is also a group of children who saw that a man pushed the goods downhill, and the fruits sprinkled the ground.

So they slipped the skateboard, riding a car, and turned into "Little Flying Man" to him.

The man thought he was a naughty child who would run after picking up the fruit.

Unexpectedly, the children returned all the fruit picked up to him, and left with a skateboard.

The owner of the helper is the owner of Tangshan.

The nurse who saved people was the nurse of Tangshan.

The owner of the cart is the owner of Tangshan.

The child who rushed was the child of Tangshan.

They also live in the city of Tangshan, but they release goodwill and pass warmth. They help each other and accompany each other.

They also need to be seen by more people, and they also want to tell those who scold them--

Tangshan is still a lot of good people.

I guess, if the hits the incident did not happen, you will definitely say:

Tangshan is the city of heroes and a warm city.

These nine people who beat people, those who bully ordinary people, undoubtedly wipe out the city and lose their faces.

But the wicked people who have not been made once in decades, this time appeared, which does not mean that Tangshan people are evil and do not mean that Tangshan people are bad.

What we have to do is to focus on the nine people and the evil forces behind them, rather than the blind injury to the city and slander the people who live here.

These days, the college entrance examination has been released one after another, and children in the background ask me:

Ten o'clock, I do n’t know if I go to college in the field, will they bullish me because I am from Tangshan?

Some people have to go out to work, but they are worried that they will be excluded by Tangshan people.

Nowadays, the atrocities of the beaten people have brought too much influence on them, and the remarks of the insulting Tangshan people on the Internet have also brought them too much trouble.

Too many people's lives are being affected.

But in a city, there must be good people, there must be good people, dark, and there must be light.

So, let's let go of Tangshan's innocent people.

Living in this city, they have suffered too much.

Do not make your mouthful and become the last straw that crushes them.

They hope that their city can get better as soon as possible than others, and hope that their lives can be stable and rich as soon as possible.

Tangshan people are innocent, and Tangshan's criminals need to be severely punished.

Only the wicked by being sanctioned at an early date can the good ones be clear.

Light [watch], give people a good encouragement to Tangshan people, and hope that they and the cities they live in will usher in their own clear sky.

The author | Zhou Beauty, the mountains and rivers are staggered, and the fireworks on earth are as usual.

Picture | Network (if there is any infringement, please contact delete)

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