[Answer "Answers"] A blueprint paint is fragrant

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.06.30

[Editor's note] "Jiangsu Road" in Lhasa, "Shandong Road" in Shigatse City, "Guangdong Road" in Nyingchi City ... There are many roads named after other brothers and cities in the Tibet Autonomous Region. The names of these roads have witnessed the history of the central government to promote the economic and social development of Tibet by the central government, and also wrote the affectionate friendship between Tibet and various brothers and cities across the mountains and sea.

In 1994, the Central Committee held the third Tibetan work symposium to propose a supporting way for "slices responsibility, counterpart support, regular rotation" and "long -term support and self -rotation" cadre assistance methods. Since then, the central and national brothers have been opened. Provincial and cities support the development of Tibet for a long time. A group of cadres in Tibet inherited the "old Tibetan spirit", practiced their vows on the plateau, and wrote a wonderful "answer sheet".

China Tibet News "More than two decades ago, we saw the tomatoes and green peppers planted by the gay of the Han nationality in the greenhouse. We felt that if we planted it ourselves, it would be bad." In the memory of the Party branch of the original village of Pengcang Village, Pan Baton Pearl, planting vegetables was a new thing and even more difficult.

In 1995, Shandong's first batch of cadres in Tibet began to try to develop the vegetable industry in Bailang. In 1998, the second batch of cadres in Shandong Province had introduced the planting of vegetables in greenhouses and succeeded in trial planting. For more than two decades, a group of cadres in Shandong aid Tibetan worked unremitting efforts. A blueprint was painted to the end to interpret the development of green vegetables with plateau above 4,000 meters above sea level, so that the masses of farmers and herdsmen learned technology and harvested vegetables and melons. The sweetness brought by the fruit.

The picture shows the photography planted in vegetable greenhouses in Pengcang Village, Batta Township, Bailang County: Wang Yuanyuan

Can vegetables be planted on the average plateau with an average altitude of 4000 meters? In 1998, the success of the six greenhouses made the local people start to accept this new thing. In 2001, the third batch of cadres in Jinan City Aid Tibetan cadres actively strived for funds to build 70 ebb lines in Pengcang Village. The villagers Larbarzi began to follow Jinan's agricultural technical personnel to learn technology. "They taught them very carefully, and guided us with their hands." After learning with the technicians for two years, the 70 greenhouses in the village went to each household, and the Labazi family also divided into three large sheds.

The picture shows Bian Budton Pearl Cleaning Huangye Photography in the broccoli shed: Wang Yuanyuan

"At that time, we planted cucumber and tomatoes. The vegetables planted for a little food, most of which were sold in the city of Shigatse." Labazi recalled that the income of a greenhouse can reach thousands of yuan.

The county town work, up to 6 yuan a day; planting vegetables, the income of thousands of yuan. The benefits of the same gap have also made the villagers gradually participate. In 2011, the per capita income of Pengcang Village exceeded 10,000 yuan, becoming the first and only "10,000 yuan village" in Bailang County.

"Last year, the benefits of my vegetable planting were about 50,000 yuan. We all plant melon and grow vegetables in summer." Labazazi said that most people in the villagers used to carry vegetables with vegetables. Selling vegetables, now all the households are basically driving their own cars into the city to sell vegetables.

In 2021, the per capita disposable income of Pengcang Village reached 29,200 yuan, of which 52%of fruit and vegetable sales revenue accounted for 52%. The fruit and vegetable industry has become a local characteristic pillar industry.

The picture shows the cherry photography planted in Everest Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Expo Garden: Wang Yuanyuan

The white sheep, like an umbrella, comes out of the land; the red cherry is covered with branches, causing tourists to pick and taste. In the greenhouses of Pengcang Village and Everest Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Expo Park, all kinds of fruits and vegetables are growing up. From nothing to some vegetable greenhouses, the scale of planting from small to large, the breeds from less to more, the number of participants ... The traditional farming areas have already bid farewell to radish, cabbage, and potatoes. Vegetables are full of sheds, and fruits are fragrant.

The picture shows the ginseng fruit photography grown in Everest Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Expo Garden: Wang Yuanyuan

In Mount Everest Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Expo Park, the first country -level scenic spot in Tibet, the local people Zong Ji and her husband Hu Jian were holding seedlings in the watermelon shed. Zong Ji has worked here for 5 years, learned to master the temperature and humidity in the shed, and also learned to take care of vegetables and fruits. She told reporters that they had worked hard in Inner Mongolia before, and they made little earnings and were far away from home. "I have more than 5,000 yuan a month here. I can learn technology when I get close to home." Zong Ji and Hu Jian intend to learn technology again, and strive to return to Gansu to build greenhouses and plant fruits and vegetables in the future.

The picture shows Zong Ji (front) and her husband Hu Jian in the watermelon shed.

"Which shed here can pick watermelon or cherry?" I heard the tourists driving in the car to ask the picking place, and Zong Ji who was interviewed by the reporter quickly gave the tourist Dao Ming. She said that now, the cherry and watermelon in the greenhouse can be picked, and many tourists come to experience picking on the rest day.

"Four seasons have flowers, the moon and the moon have fruit, and there are vegetables every day." Around traditional agriculture transitions to modern agriculture, Mount Everest Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Expo has formed a collection of technological innovation research, results display sales, comprehensive service management, ecological leisure tourism tourism Equivalent rural complex. In the future, a training center will be established here to cultivate the technique of planting fruit and vegetable technology in the greenhouses of Tibetan farmers and herdsmen.

Yang Cuibin, the ninth batch of cadres in Shandong Province, Deputy Secretary -General of Shigatse Municipal Government, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the National Agricultural Science and Technology Park of Shigatse, introduced that in recent years, Shandong aid boldly innovatively aid Tibetan organization forms to adopt "party and government cadres+enterprise managementThe method of personnel+flexible talents has been established, and the agricultural "group group" has been established to invest a large number of aid funds and talents in infrastructure equipment, new varieties introduction, scientific and technological talent training, and sales market development.Effective."At present, only one county in Bailang, the planting area of vegetables has reached 16,600 mu, and the output value is close to 200 million yuan. The development of the industry enriches the local vegetable baskets and the money farmers' money bags are used to allow the masses to achieve employment at home.Effectively consolidated the results of poverty alleviation and promoted the revitalization of the countryside. "Yang Cuibin said.(China Tibetan Reporter/Wang Yuanyuan)

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