There are levels of thunderstorms or hail above level 7 or more!The latest forecast of Shaanxi is here
Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.06.30
Shaanxi Meteorological Today (June 29) morning
Release weather forecast
It is expected to have a cloudy day today: the province is cloudy, the central and eastern parts of Shaanxi, the land of the northern part of the Guanzhong, and the Qinba Mountains are decentralized and accompanied by thunder and lightning. Most of Guanzhong and part of Shaanxi have high temperatures above 35 ° C, and the highest temperature in some places can reach 38-40 ° C.
Although there are decentralized showers
But high temperature is still the most recent mainstream
Central Meteorological Observatory
Published today (June 29) at 6 o'clock
High -temperature yellow warning
It is expected to be during the day on June 29, southern Shanxi, central and southern Shaanxi, western Gansu and southern Gansu, central and eastern Sichuan, central and northern Chongqing, western and southern Henan, northern Anhui, most of Hubei, northern Hunan, eastern and southern Jiangxi, eastern Zhejiang南部、福建中北部、广东中部、海南岛以及新疆北部和南疆盆地、内蒙古西部等地有35~36℃的高温天气,其中,陕西南部、河南西部、四川中部、重庆东北部、湖北西部、 The highest temperatures in the northern part of Hunan, northern Fujian, north of Tianshan, Xinjiang, and southern Xinjiang Basin, and western Inner Mongolia are 37-39 ° C.
Source: Shaanxi Meteorological, China Weather
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