Five townships in Hebei City, Hebei City!

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.06.10

On the morning of June 8th, the Handan City Ecological and Environment Bureau made public interviews on five township (towns) with many recent open -air burning work.

At the interview, the comrades of Handan City's Ecological Environmental Environmental Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment notified the ban on burning work, informing the Nanfang Village and Town of Handan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xitongshan Township, Wu'an City, Xiaolongma Township, Yongnian District, and Cheng'an CountyFive townships (towns) including Jiayu Town and Yingzhen Township, Daming County have problems in the ban on burning work.The main responsible comrades of the five township (towns) made a statement and made a serious reflection on the problems in the work. They said that they would take the opportunity to interview this interview to highlight the goal orientationsituation.

The five township (towns) requested at the meeting.The first is to compact the liability of the grid.The second is to strengthen publicity and guidance.The third is to strictly dispose of procedures.The fourth is to innovate methods.The fifth is to perform their duties in place.

Source: Handan Environmental Protection

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