7 × 24 hours "is to do now"!Enping uses small and medium -sized enterprises to respond to the platform!

Author:Enping City Rong Media Center Time:2022.06.29

On June 26, 2022, the Enping Municipal Affairs Service Data Management Bureau released the "Application of Jiangmen Small and Micro -Enterprise Calling Platform Construction". According to the report, Jiangmen City Small and Micro -Enterprises ask for the rapid response platform construction and application is a supporting measure for Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to solidly promote the implementation of a policy of stabilizing the economy. This work is planned, deployed and promoted by the main leaders of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee. The official opening of platform operation has received widespread attention from all walks of life.

Action in advance, promote the rapid response of work

On June 9, Ensing held a seminar on the application survey of small and medium -sized enterprises for the rapid response platform application survey, requiring the relevant work to help the enterprises reduce the burden of bailout to solve problems; to strengthen publicity, promote the implementation mechanism of the rapid response platform, take root, and fully support support Enterprise Development. According to the requirements of the meeting, after the meeting, the personnel quickly organized the personnel to draft the "Enshe Small and Micro -Enterprise Conditioning the Platform Work Mechanism", and solicited the opinions of the department to establish a fast green channel for small and medium -sized enterprises. On June 11, Enping City organized a small and medium -sized enterprise in Jiangmen City for the rapid response platform work mobilization conference and training meeting, inviting towns (streets), relevant departments, industry associations, and enterprise representatives to participate, and proposed to how companies use Yue Shangtong. Explain in detail the demands and strengthen government -enterprise interaction.

Standardize the process, speed up and improve the guarantee of the response mechanism

After Jiangmen held a press conference, Enping quickly set up a special class of small and medium -sized enterprises to respond to the platform work, responsible for coordination and coordination, jointly promoting platform construction, combing demands, and the implementation of the working mechanism. "The platform provides support. With reference to Jiangmen City Standards, it is organized to form a list of enterprise demands that cover 20 first -level classifications and 103 secondary categories, and make a rapid response commitment of "response within 1 hour, setting solutions within 24 hours, and 7 -day settlement". Supporting the establishment of a "1+1+1" full -loop management mechanism: Establish a department business commissioner team corresponding to the small category corresponding to each request matters. People) The establishment of a small and medium -sized enterprise with a rapid response network; forming a multi -level linkage and departmental collaborative supervision mechanism, supervising all the demands of response and the quality of all the demands of the district or department, and conducting investigation and treatment of inaction and slow acting as behaviors. ; Establish a small and medium -sized enterprise demand for rapid response to the leadership group, coordinate and resolve complex demands, and effectively ensure the implementation of the new standards of “connecting” for enterprises.

Strengthen publicity and send warm enterprise services to the door

Publicize the use of small and medium -sized enterprises such as websites, WeChat and other media platforms to quickly respond to the use of the platform, and print out "A letter to the city's small and medium -sized enterprises", "Jiangmen City Small and Micro -Enterprise Conditioning Quick Response Platform Operation Guidelines" Go to industry associations and enterprises. At the same time, all relevant departments, towns (streets) in the city use publicity websites, exhibition boards, LED screens, large display screens and other media to promote and promote platforms to the society and the masses, so that the masses can understand the platform more in depth. In addition, to the enterprise representatives and the CPPCC representatives to carry out platform promotion, and encourage everyone to promote the platform to the companies around them, and increase the company's awareness rate of the platform. At present, the awareness rate of the platform for Erping's enterprises has reached 91%.

New media platform promotion and promotion

Cooperate and effectively improve the effect of the demand for handling

As of 16:00 on June 28, Jiangmen City Small and Micro -Enterprise Integrity responded to the rapid response platform for a total of 33 issues involving Ensing's enterprises (of which 27 were small, medium and micro enterprises, and 6 were ordinary enterprises), all of which could follow the demands of small and medium -sized enterprises in accordance with the demands of small and medium -sized enterprises. The rapid response platform regulations have responded and handled, and 24 matters have been settled, and 9 are being followed up.

Next, Enping City will further improve the guarantee of the institutional mechanism, provide platform demand analysis data in a timely manner, continue to expand the publicity of the platform, allow more companies to understand and use the demands to respond to the platform quickly, solve the problems encountered by the enterprise, and help enterprises solve their problems to solve problems. Essence

Source: Enping City Government Service Data Administration

Edit: Wu Xin

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