"Yantai, let the world be slightly stunned!" 2022 Yantai International Wine Festival launched

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.06.29

Qilu.com · Lightning News, June 29th. On the morning of June 29, the launching conference of the 2022 Yantai International Wine Festival was held at the Bayiwan International Convention and Exhibition Center of Yantai Huangbahai New District, which opened the curtain of Yantai International Wine Festival. At the meeting, the "Yantai, let the world micro -faint" activity slogan, the wine festival series of urban cultural works collection activities, Yantai International Wine City Concept Planning Plan, 2022 International Wine (China) Grand Prix, and held a strategic cooperation agreement signing ceremony.

The main activity of this wine festival has ended until December, which lasted more than 5 months, including large -scale music festivals, "Castle of Weixi · Carnival", Open Day of the Boutique Winery of the Yellow Bohai New Area, Yantai International Wine Expo and other content. The festival is the media, promoting the city to promote the deep integration of the wine industry with the promotion of urban brands and the development of cultural tourism.

After five months, Yantai sent an invitation to the world

At 9:40 am, the 2022 Yantai International Wine Festival conference opened. "Yantai, let the world be slightly stunned!" The slogan of the activity was spread by the Baying Bay International Convention and Exhibition Center, and Yantai invited the world.

The 2022 Yantai International Wine Festival is not only a grand event in the wine industry, but also a platform for the integration and development of the wine and cultural tourism industry chain. The activity adheres to the "big pattern, big perspective, big planning", focusing on the domestic first -class communication platform as the main communication media, connects the Baili wine promenade resources of the Yellow Bohai New District, and is a "37 ° Gold Coast of the North Latitude". In -depth integration of industrial and urban brand promotion and cultural tourism development, wonderful presentation, high -end, high -end, high -end, high -end industry IP industry festivals, gathering efforts to start Yantai's "International Grape · Wine City" brand.

Link the world with wine. This wine festival revolves around the four dimensions of "one world of wonderland, a century -old wine fragrance, the world of wine, the world wine, the city of Chinese cigarettes", "the city of wine, the capital of Bailan Di", "You Wonderland Yantai, Pinchen Life" Focusing on Yantai Huang Bohai New District, Zhizhen District, Penglai District, Laishan District and Zhangyu Group linkage to plan a five -month festival event.

According to the introduction, the time of this international wine festival spans June to December. Japan, Yantai International Wine Expo, Zhiyang Street Wine Quality Life Festival, Penglai District Qiu Shan Lun Wine Conference, Zhangyu Company's 130th anniversary celebration event and other more than ten series of activities. Especially in September, the "Top of Micro -Top · Shining Night" will be held. Through the form of drama and creative song and dance shows, the development and change of Yantai's century -old wine culture will be presented.

You can create cultural works for the society for the society

"Charming Yantai, you will create it!" At the launch of the press conference, Li Shaohong, president of the Chinese Film Directors Association, appealed to the society as a call for the society to release the collection of 2022 Yantai International Wine Festival series of urban cultural works.

The solicitation activity is "Yantai, let the world slightly sloppy", and solicit the whole society: a city theme logo, a moving song that can be forgotten when he hear, a domestic virtual spokesperson in China, a short time you want to come when you watch a paragraph. Video and a series of public art works in the city show the charm of Yantai with urban art.

In the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement, CCTV (Beijing) Entertainment Media Co., Ltd. and the Yellow Bohai New District Management Committee, Yiyi Culture and Yeda Cultural Tourism Group signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, which clarified that the "Central Local Links Links will be adopted in the next five years. "Models, do a good job of" Yantai Wine ", further brighten the wine brand of wine, stabilize and expand consumption upgrades, and promote economic and social development.

After the launching ceremony, the departure ceremony of the "Flowing Micro -Polying Paper" of "Watching China" in "Watching China" was held. "Watching China on the Buses" is the head IP of the CCTV Cultural Tourism series. This time, it will start again with the "flowing micro -tavern" creative. The beauty of the city and the prosperity of the city that integrates the integration of Lin and Quan. During the journey, open public services and market consumption supply "dual channels", create a new model of integration of media and cultural tourism industries, help Yantai further start the local brands, talk about the city well story.

Elimination of influence "one city, one section" echoes

Wine is the charming cultural connotation of Yantai and the beautiful golden signboard of the city. Since 2007, Yantai has held 12 wine expo, and the development level and popularity of the wine industry have been continuously improved.

At present, the city has a total of 204 wine production enterprises, 63 well -known wineries, and more than 200 supporting companies. The "Yantai Wine" brand is worth 85.2 billion yuan.

This year, Yantai City took the wine industry as one of the 16 industrial chains in the city's key development. It introduced development opinions and formulated support measures, further integrating the city's wine industry resources and cultural resources, and creating a "one city and one festival" brand at high standards.

"One City" is Yantai International Wine City. The wine city has a planned area of ​​16 square kilometers. Relying on the 10,000 acres of grape estate, the overall planning structure of "one nuclear, two corridors, and one ring" is constructed to form a spatial layout of Tongshan Dahai and supporting the development of the Bay. Excellent gateway area and Yantai production city brigade highly integrate demonstration area.

The red wine town in the core area of Yantai International Wine City mainly deploys four core products: China Wine National Pavilion, Wine International Trading Center, Wine University, and Headquarters Brand Exhibition Hall.The four major products of the Red Wine Night Performing Arts Center, build a romantic fashion wine in the industry's wind direction.In the future, Yantai International Wine City will become a permanent place for the Yantai International Wine Festival. The "one city and one festival" echo each other, showing the benchmark city brand of wine in the Chinese production area of wine, and continuously enlarge Yantai as the only "International Grape · Wine City" in Asia.The influence of the world.

Lightning News reporter Yu Beijia Correspondent Jiang Qian reported

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