Shanghai will restore the food order in an orderly manner today, but pay attention to these; the price of oil is reduced, and a box of oil will be spent 12.5 yuan | Early reading

Author:Jiefang Daily Time:2022.06.29

Today's weather

27-34 ° C, there are shower or thunderstorms in cloudy to cloudy

Pay more attention to the typhoon dynamics early next month

Reminder: "High temperature"+"high humidity" joining is difficult to be hot. But this round of rainfall may be the last stubborn in the rainy season. It is expected that in the next 10 days, one or two typhoons will be generated in the South China Sea to the Pacific Sea in the Northwest. Pay more attention to typhoon dynamics early next month.

Focus today

From today's orderly recovery hall food

But pay attention to these matters

From June 29th, a street and towns that have no social epidemic in the area and have no social epidemic in the area in the area in the area will be released in an orderly manner.

The Municipal Commerce Commission guides the industry association to put forward the requirements for catering companies to carry out food companies, including:

■ According to the dining room area, expand the table standing spacing, control the number of dining people, and implement a section and misalignment.

■ Set the place code or "digital sentry" at the entrance of the operating site. Customers should scientifically wear masks, sweeping yards or "digital sentinels" (must hold 72 hours of kernel acidic acid test negative proof), and measure the body temperature (<37.3 ° C) to enter the store.

Today's layout

※ 1 edition of the "one country, two systems" has achieved the world's recognition of success in the practice of Hong Kong

※ The 1st edition of the 12th Municipal Party Committee has a plenary session of the municipal party committee at a time

※ 2 edition of Shanghai Disney Park will resume operations

※ The 3rd edition guards the spiritual home city of the new era well

Follow today

China refutes NATO label to Chinese "systemic challenges" to China

According to reports, NATO will label to "systemic challenges" to China this week. Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian responded on the 28th that China does not interfere with other domestic politics, does not output ideology, nor does it engage in long -arm jurisdiction, economic coercion, and unilateral sanctions. How can we talk about systemic challenges? NATO should not try to mess with Asia and chaos all over the world after chaos.

The meeting meeting of the 13th astronauts of the Shenxi Aerospace

On June 28, Shenzhou -13 Aerospace Command Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, and Ye Guangfu returned to 74 days after returning to the media and the public for the first time. According to reports, after the return of the astronauts, the work of isolation recovery and recovery recovery has been completed after returning.

Oil price is lowered! Add a box of oil to spend 12.5 yuan less

According to the notice of the National Development and Reform Commission, starting at 24:00 on June 28, 320 yuan per ton of gasoline, 310 yuan per ton of diesel. After this round of price adjustment, No. 95 gasoline in some areas is expected to farewell to the 10 yuan era. Ordinary private cars with a fuel tank capacity of 50L will spend about 12.5 yuan for a box of oil.

Chinese basketball will have its own hall of fame

The Chinese Basketball Association recently said that Chinese basketball will have its own hall of fame. The Chinese Basketball Association has actively promoted the construction of the Chinese Basketball Hall of Fame since 2021. As of now, the preparations have been launched in an orderly manner and achieved staged results.

Russian sanctions Bayeng's wife and daughter

On the 28th, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the expansion of US citizenships that permanently banned entry, including 25 of the US President Biden's wife and daughter. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that this measure is a response to the United States' continuous expansion of sanctions on Russian politics and public figures.

The number of deaths of illegal immigrants in the United States rose to 51 people

According to the latest news, the number of deaths of illegal immigrants in San Antonio, the United States, rose to 51. The head of the North American region of Mexico Foreign Affairs, Alvarez, said through social media that 22 of the deceased came from Mexico, 7 were from Guatemala, two were from Honduras, and the rest of the people were confirmed. According to the current survey, the local police believe that the truck carrying illegal immigrants comes from Raredo, a US border city border with Mexico. Police have arrested 3 people including truck drivers.

WeChat editor: Jiasinmin

School pair: SYL

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